Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
hahaha... NORGE FTW!!!!!!!!!!! fairytale kan brenna i helvete!!!!
shes pregnant, so people can only fuck her to she gives birth (i'm norwegian)
theres nothing on here except th- HOLY SHIT SHES SWEDISH
loo up at the bannr pthere wit a picof the guy its in another language but it says klikk her! and im not sure if its a girl or a guy get it ?
She knows she will be infected with AIDS and wants to fuck before it
She has the same camera as my sister?
It says Gravid next to her name, Gravid means pregnant in swedish. Unsafe, hhhhhhhhhhhee.
Is she trying to suggest that you can fuck your way into an STD? Well, if that's the case, I would've stopped banging 14 year olds a long time ago! Or maybe she wants to get caught by her parents?
It's already unsafe for me, jailbait these days...
thats a load of BULLSHIT they put that there... :P
i find the creepiest thing is that theres 2 14 yr olds and one 15 yr old,... then theres a 40 yr old. like wtf ?
It also says "Klik her" @ the top while the person on the top is a gay guy.
Its a song. yeah they did put that there
Norge FTW <3
Shoop fail.
hahaha... NORGE FTW!!!!!!!!!!! fairytale kan brenna i helvete!!!!