Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
That´s not an ass. It´s the shoulder of the girl who is takin the pic
her butt is missing my "finger"
No guys that is her ass, the girl with camel toe is missing and arm, and the other girl has a mutated back arm, duuh.
fap fap fap fap... wait! nooooooo
they aren't in the kitchen
I'd eat that... armpit. fuck
girl in blue has camel toe!!
biggest CAM TOE EVER,
I see it That girls ass is missing my cock
I'd still hit ANY armpit fold that looks like that.
the banna peel on the bed?
THUMBS UP if you hate shitbrix.com for replacing 'bad words' with ******* This is censorship , this is disrespect , this is SPARTAAAAAAAAA!!!!
Black Goatse missing a finger in top right
girl in grey's got jizz on her shirt right below her left tit.
Yea its just her shoulder. In the beginning I looked at it awesome but then I realized it was her shoulder. My penis and I were dissapointed :(
just like ann ass BRO!!! fock yaw
armpit fold fools
is not ah but is just the arm of the girl
I want to put my missing finger in her ass
girl with blue pants has a camel toe
idiots. i didn't see it. that's the truth
I was checking out the camel toe
it's funny how everyone just noticed the camel toe >.
Twerking photobombed
wheres the motha fucking black guy
That's the pits!
i want fuck them
her armpit should be an ass
So there's a leg coming out her ass? Dang.
zomg so funny
that is one fucking crazy illusion there o.O
My mind is apparently so bad that it took over 5 minutes to realize that was a freaking shoulder.
Okay, that's not a banana peel, that's panties.
Girl in blue has sexy cameltoe
Let's rape the keyboard.
her arm appears to be a but
lol..i thought it was a ass! it was just a arm :D
Yeah.. Um, anyone notice the girl in the blue has a camel toe?
Ohhhhhhhhh&Hannah&hhhhhhahshs gsgsuwgsvz hhhhhh shafsyuwvsv gfs Ayrshire dBm ssh Sgt tv ad tv f2f f2f ffdn f2f fx th hf know g in
nice ass. what the heck!
I'd screw her... Elbow... Fuck.
look at the blue short of the girl on the right...XD it looks like a....
I thought the camel toe was the point of the picture til I read the comments.
this one got me good, LOL
if you cross your eyes, you see TWO asses... wait darn shoulders
Next level cameltoe
im hungry
Oh god, false orgasm
she has a camel toe the one in the blue pants lmfao
camel toe
lol the peep hole XD
Misleading ass is misleading.
he he he q foda
2 thumbs up!!
it's an interpretive photo....implying her armpit smells like ass....ha ha...i'm crying....great pic....great pic
dammit! and i just finished fapping!
I thought it was because they took a picture of them taking a selfie on a mirror
actually its her armpit
wait...so they're not three teen girls who just finished making love and now have to re-apply their make-up and put their pants back on? DD: oh, thats a shame.
the girl taking the picture has a camel toe
i would stick my dick up that shoulder
wata fuck is that dumbass mind
i got mind fucked...xD
well the bitch in back is nakey but the bitch in front gots a nice camel toeeeee
Yo cameltoe and fucked up thing in the wall?
ass ass ass ass ass lets fuck it
wow.. elbow like ass..
the girl holding the cameras armpit looks like the girl with the blue shirts ass.
That's a strange cameltoe.
girl on the right has a massive camel toe, lmao
Her shoulder has a dirty mind of its own... Lol
Do you do armpit?
Blue woman camel toe lol
you all fuckers biatch suck some fuckin dick ass holes.,.!! holy fucking mothers ass,.,
Look at the girl who is taking a pic. Look closely at her shorts.. LOOK!!!
Haha it looks like the woman behing has a naked ass
Is it the ridiculously prominent vagina sticking out of the blue-pants girl's crotch? Because if so, yes, I see it quite clearly.
That's what my ass looks like(;
just wow
Dayum! Dat ass!
ooks like a butt but ts an arm pitt
Ass shot!
Nice ass LOL
OMG she have an ass in the shoulder!
I don't know what to say about this lol. There is a banana peel on the bed. There is a girl that is turned around. Three girls in a room. Lmao...
FUCK YOU censorship!
I can see a camel toe. :o @-)
is that a hole in the wall next to the bed?
Yep...good one!
im hungry
haha the chick who is taking the pic missing a shoulder
Anyone else see the banana peel on teh bed? XD
Wild snorlax appears...
There's a leg coming out of her ass then.
that is her ass, dont ruin this for me
fuck trip! mindfuck-me-dead
It's just an arm...
The girl in the blue pants has nice pussy :)
thumbs up 4 cameltoe
That is a fucking mind-fuck.
thats the point its supposed to look like an ass but you realise its her shoulder
Shit on the bottom left of the bed.
It aint a butt
The pic doesn't have the same angle as the cam is pointed at!!! :O
im get gitting that camel
*fap fap fap*
i thought the rag on the bed was a shit rag
Hahahah Lol, are u kidding me ??? Hahaha
this is the fastest shit brix that i noticed in just 0,5 second
Wow, I was thinking it was the camel toe of the photographer until I read comments.
You all wish that was an ass.
Oh i have a very dirty mind :( i was like, mhm naked ass, yes please, hey wait a second! thats an armpit!!! what ever! *Unzips*
Its not an ass...But who cares fap fap fap....
Girl taking the picture has a camel toe.
Also the girl with the blue trousers has a camel toe.
Not her ass
screw the asshole who told me it wasn't an ass.. now I can't see the ass anymore :((
This took me awhile..
mmhhhhh... an illusion of an ass...
it's a shoulder of the girl who's wear white shirt !
i like how the same ppl comment the same comment on different pictures but its still funny and im not mad at them .&....PRETEEN PERKIES!!
Hot hot hot hooooot.
If I see one more comment on how they AREN'T IN THE FUCKING KITCHEN.....
Quote "That´s not an ass. It´s the shoulder of the girl who is takin the pic" SHIT!! THIS WELL SAID MADE EVERY TYME I'M TRYING 2 SEE THE ASS I'LL SEE AS THE SHOULDER!!
No pants
If that would have been an ass , it would have been the ugliest ass in the world.
wahaha. somethings bad ! whaahah
I'm surprised no one has noticed the blue camel toe O.o
for the people who thinks its an ass look at it n go down n u'll see a leg so WTF?
i see it. these women arent in the kitchen
Lol.. i can see that girl ass.. And i see the pussy of the camera girl ; )
look at the shorts of the girl holding d cam... i got bitten..
the girl at the back her ass was seened!
I see camel toe.
Damn.... Its just an elbow... *zips up pants*
Mmm dat.. shoulder?
*FAP FAP FA-* wait, it's not..?
Look at the blue pants of the girl with the camera ^^
Fap fap fap fap... NOOOOO!!! Oh wait , there's an camel toe fap fap fap fap
Girl in blue shorts has a nice cameltoe goin on.
first time i saw this picture i thought it WAS an ass...never saw it til' now...7 months or so later...and i had to read the comments to see it
No her ass is missing my dick
her white skinny ass isn't worth it anyway.
It looks like her ass but its the way the camera girls arm is
G-rated porn for X-rated minds
im probably still going to fap to that.
D: Brix have been shat.
that's very misleading
wish i was there
its like a double mindfuck!
the girl at the back has no have skirt or shorts
When your mum walk in and this is on your computer
Anybody here know major Dickie head or Dixie Mormons LOL
When you see it, you'll realized that you have been jacking it to a girls armpit.
No dude, it's not a porn, no.
She is a butt on the shoulder xD
hey dat ass needs a dick
It's her shoulder in that angle makes it looks like the girl in the back's ass.
dis is not very funny i like the elefant thing dat made me laugh...... a lot of times but it scared me a likkle bit as well
lol it's not her ass its the chicks armpit
I am fucking wow just wow XD
It may not be an ass, but you can't fault the girl in the blues camel toe!
If it's an ass, kindly explain why we can still see the rest of her skirt under the girl's arm?
The SHIT RAG on the bed below front chicks right hand is what I see...
let me hit that ass
Nice Ass
it looks like that the girl's armpit whos taking the pic was the ass of the other girl in pink at her back..lol/
I dont have a dirty mind, just a sexy imagination
she is only in the mirror
i totally thought that was a butt
Fap fap flap uhhh its a shoulder 😓
girl in the blue shorts has epic camel toe.
haha awesome
has anyone noticed the snake on their bed
Armpit, you so random!
wtf it looks so wrong
holy crap that took some time
nice armpit😂
well how do you account for the banana skin?
I wana fuck all three
holy shit wow
what seems to be the girl's butt its actually the other girl's arm. look at where her arm starts and ends
i like ass
Ah ah ah oh I'm sorry I'm busy fucking someone
Thats not a mind fuck , Thats a mind RAPE .
It's her arm not the other girls butt, you dirty minded fool
I'm surprised no one has noticed the blue camel toe O.o
WARNING! Carry on reading! Or you will die, even if you only looked at the word warning! Once there was a little girl called Clarissa, she was ten years old and she lived in a mental hospital, because she killed her mom and her dad. She got so bad she went to kill all the staff in the hospital, so the government decided that the best idea was to get rid of her, so they set up a special room to kill her as humanely as possible but it went wrong, the machine they were using went wrong. And she sat there in agony for hours until she died. Now every week on the day of her death she returns to the person that reads this letter, on a Monday night at 12:00a.m. She creeps into your room and kills you slowly, by cutting you and watching you bleed to death. Now send this to ten other pictures on this one site, and she will haunt someone else who doesn't. This isn't fake. Apparently, if u copy and paste this to ten comments in the next ten minutes u will have the best day of ur life tomorrow
wtfff is that her arm or the womans ass 0.e
Okay, that's sad. I noticed the ass before I noticed the other two girls. WHAT HAVE I DONE WITH MY LIFE???
That dumb bitch isn't using Olay Mascera
oh what a great armpit butt!
theirs some dirty undies on the bed in the bottom left corner
Someone forgot to wear their green panties...
The SHIT RAG on the bed below front chicks right hand is what I see...
the chick taking the pic has a cammel toe 0_0
nice ass :DDDDdddd oh its not an ass :(
Damn the top comment totally ruined the great boner i had
realistically speaking, that isn't a real mirror... its a door way, and that camera did not take the picture.
The girl taking the pic has a camil toe
HAHA this is her shoulder.. fuckin brilliant :D
ok i have a dirty mind...
first of all chick with blue pants = camel toe and chick in background is obvious
nice ass! ..
fuck. totally missed it.
... the girl doing her eyes is only in the mirror
Nice shoulder girl
That's trippy
lol btw i thought i saw a eyeball but i didn't
Dat Ass!
the girl taking the pic has a camel toe XD
It would be a small ass. (agree thumbs up)
cameltoooe girl to the right
Good work for C.O.
..tanG inAh` kAla mUh kunG anuh nA bAlikAt lnG plA,,,
the girl with the pink blouse have no pants........
....the first thing i was the camel toe the girl in blue shorts was sporting
Three girls one butt
Wow i like this picture dude its very nice!! :))
i spy with my little eye... an armpit
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FIrst I saw a cameltoe
lol u can see her ass
OMG CAMEL TOE AND WHAT LOOKS LIKE AN ASS ALL MY PORN DREAMS CAME TRUE!!!! now if youll excuse my i gotta erase my history be4 my mom comes down
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That´s not an ass. It´s the shoulder of the girl who is takin the pic
look at that @$$
:( its her arm. my mind is so dirty
you can see the girl in whites' vajayjay smart ones
Its Very Obvious. and no one would take a picture of their friends butt. duh!
that's not an ass you perve
wtf how long fingers on the camera girl.
That´s not an ass. It´s the shoulder of the girl who is takin the pic