Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
"It's her fucking reflection. How can her reflection look like that if she's turned around? " there's more than one mirror, i think its the eyes.
04:37 pm?
Mirror lag.
to add more detail, the reflection looks like shes hoiding a sycthe (did i spell it right?)
his reflection is looking at him damn
theres two eyeballs looking at her at the top left
The video is even worse. Check it out if you dare.
I thought I saw the grim reaper on the rightmost reflection. LOL. Maybe it's just cos it's 3 AM i'm imagining things. :))
Is that Big daddy from Bioshock in the mirror?
if you look theres a dolls head looking in the mirror at the back and then the mirror at the side just shows you th side of the dolls head BUT SUDDENLY "FREAKY" no it "MIRRORS" oh and wheres the niggah gettin horny over pedo bear oh there it is doin ya mom!
i saw this video on ghostvideos.ws i think it was called... to stop further debate its definately the face. you see the back of her head in the mirror she looks back at the mirrors and you see her face then she looks back to the cameras and the face is still looking at her
we watched the video thts freakin creepy as hell
WTF! It's Suezo from Monster Rancher 2!
two big eyes behind her!
mirror lag
theres an eye at the top on the reflection of the left hand mirror and allso the middle one
the mirror of the girl on the right is looking at her
ok it's just a little boy and... OMFG IM SHIT AN ENTORE WALL
there's some beast lizard
the eyes and her head forms a face..
the video is so fuckin scary
Its faked !! theres a video showing how its done on Youtube guyss... !!
WOAH! If you look REALLY close,you can see eyes on her face. You gotta look REALLY REALLY CLOSE,though.
its a robot version of the luck dragon from never ending story reflected in the mirror! house worth of brix now in my toilet
You dumbasses, this is from a video, I've seen it. IF you see it ur answers would be way dif...
i watched the vid, and if its fake, they did a good job since the reflection blinks after the girl turns back around
it looks like 2 monster eyes in the back are watching here -f
her face in the mirror in the right mirror the girl is behind but when u look in the mirror the face is in front sorry for the wrong grammar
you can see the monster on the mirror
It's Samara!
Um. penor in the 3rd mirror, if count from left to right?
wow u guys r stupid lol look at the mirror and loko at her reflection on da mirror...her reflection is facin da wrong way
It looks like ther is a sythe on the top right.
ok whats that thing in the very back it looks like a fish...
its a fucking time-lapse camera screen you limited edition dingleberry eaters
has a two eyes
"...look closely at the right reflection of the kid...the kid is looking at the camera...while its reflection doesn't follow the lead..."
Its Jigsaw in the top of the mirror!
twins... :S 1 mirror
cheap chinese replica mirror
LOL..the girl should only reflect her head..one of the reflections is her side profile.
Look at the upper left there Are eyes lol
I watched the video, now that I remember it, I am scarred for life D:
theres an eye in the mirror!!!
It's a three diff direction mirror and there's a giant eye in reflection
there are about two in the leafy espejo.parece that this looking
does anyone else see the eyes at the top or all you all pretty agreed on "looks like jaba the hut"
It's not the eyes, it is the reflection. This wa sin a YouTube video, the girl turned around, her reflection did not. Actually rather creepy.
this is retarded ya shur they look like eyes so wat
shes not in the kitchen!!
Look at the right fucking mirror... Her reflection is looking at her even thoug she has turned her back on it...
theres an ugly asian kid in this picture
well im being serious here, i see a big ass eye in the reflection two of them also the girls reflection is turned around, like in mirrors ;D
I just watched the video and shat a quarry!!!!
look in the mirror. it looks like something holding an axe.
lol i do see the eyes but its her reflection on the far right its not facing the right way its like on the movie mirrors when the little boy gets up and in the mirror he is still sitting there...
Saw this video.
awww theres a rotten ass above the girls reflection
whan you see the video you will know how they did it
there are two giant clone troopers in the background stalking her.
The mirror is just lagging, cmon ppl.
there is eyes in the mirrors
omg! she got a twin! :ooo
Did you know that the original name for Pac-Man was Puck-Man? You'd think it was because he looks like a hockey puck but it actually comes from the Japanese phrase 'Paku-Paku,' which means to flap one's mouth open and closed. They changed it because they thought Puck-Man would be too easy to vandalize, you know, like people could just scratch off the P and turn it into an F or whatever.
I just shat the whole entire universe!
Here is the youtube video debunking this image: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3te1wBjbYe0&NR=1
i need toilet paper
this is real ive seen the video gave my hubby nightmares and scared the shit out of me couldnt look in mirror for a week it was a pain in the ass to do hair and makeop
there a ghost
It is supposed to be the reflection, I've seen it as a gif image before. The girl is moving around and suddenly her reflection turns and gives her that creepy glare.
omg. Lagg!
I've always loved this DX http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Tz_dN__MsE
that's not her reflection, there are two girls. the reflection of the girl you see is in the middle mirror (and to your left) and all you see is the back of her head. the reflection in the right mirror is a different girl that is off camera
Helllooooooo Chibi!Samara. :D
Captain Disillusion already told how this was done...
Watch the video on youtube its freakyy!!!! coz she turns around and her reflection is still staring aat her DEMON CHILD!!
can't you fucking see it's another person on the mirror?!
Does anyone notice the fucking eyeball on the dresser?
grudge boy!
its eyes in the mirror
That is insane. I feel like I'm watching Mirrors again!
Fuck The Ghost. Can't you see the Giant Eye?
there's written filecast.net on the right!!!!!!!
omg the vid of this is creepy look at the mirrors
I felt my heart stop when i saw the video
you should watch JK cinema alot more crazy shit...
I actually assumed it was a pair of nice... firm... sorry, I got carried away, I meant to say I thought it was just a pair of black breasts with silver thimbles on the nipples that was being reflected...
Master Chief in the mirror?
Its a transformer
A big eye !!! It is... Gyodai !!!!!!
I saw this video its about a demon child on youtube
holy crap the reflection is looking at her
It's the grudge haha
pedobear in the mirror
power of crist compells you!
I don't think it has anything to do with the reflection...
If nobody has noticed yet.. there is a giant eye in the background -
eyessss in the top left : )
creepy video
It's fucking Gandalf in the mirror
total Adobe
big froggy eyes looking at her while her reflection is also looking at her
I have not seen the video, but those look like a pair of eyes to me behind her, and I'm freaked out enough by those.
look at the top and look closely you will see one big eye with brown eyes looking at the kid also
Ok so obviously the girl has the mirror behind her and then she has the mirro on the closet door to her left so u people need to stop freaking out over nothing
noo its her twin sister she passing cookies too... while the black guy watches
ive seen the actual video that shows this, she turns and the 1 in the mirror doesnt, i saw it at 2AM and i was so freaked out i couldnt sleep XDD
looks like jaba the hut
top slightly to the left from the middle BOOBS?!?!?!!?!?!
in the mirror it is a giant eye and a scary lady
There is a bear stalking her through the mirror
tennage mutant ninja turtles in the mirror
this is fake they sued photoshop
omg look at the eyes in the mirror!!!!!!
There's a huge fucking alien thing in the mirror!
fuck! how cold her reflect lock to her? (right mirror)
I saw the video to that picture and it was just manipulated, nothing special...
if you look at the top of mirros there are eyes looking at you, and ofc the reflection is fucked up at the mirror on the right
grudge bitch
i dont even want to see it if its a movie picture or video with an asian girl im already scared. blame the grudge shutter & youtube. thanx.
Video freaked me out
SHE is a litle sister (bioshock) and in the back there's the big daddy
you should watch the video this shit scaried me, its her reflection in the mirror
it looks like someones arse is in the reflection
aren't those brests in the mirror reflection?
at first, i thought there was like..a different girl standing behind her....then i realized there was one person......RUN
This is on youtube. Its a demon
Haha,in the video they have paint another face on she's head XD
There is a massive green eye in the background, how stupid can you get ?!
So no one else sees pedobear but me???
its photoshopped, ive seen how they made that on youtube. you know the dude in silver condom costume or something rescuing american paranoid eyes
angry EYE!!!
No you idiots! at the reflection you can see someone i think a soldier pointing a gun at her...
Wierd eyeball thing on top left
Stalker eyes are stalking.
There's a fucking eye ball.
its a proof camera 360 invent since 20th century lol..
Look, there's a woman in this picture! Quick, let's all make comments about how we're going to defile her, since we clearly can't get any IRL and are all 13-year-old douchebags with small dicks.
look to the left of her head. purple dildo. not right sry!
This came from a japanese ghost video, the actual video, the kid turns around and the face stayed there
top left, top middle. Admiral Ackbar.
I can see only the girl in the mirr --- SHIIIT MAN KILL IT KILL IT!!! WTF GET IN THE CAR DUDE!!!
i saw this in YouTube her reflection is wrong
theirs eyes in the miror
Bricks have been shat
watch the video.... even if its fake its scary as fuck... although its on a news program so i dont see why the station would photoshop a face their....
Ive seen the video about this. She is looking in the mirror, turns around but the reflection does not move and stares at the back of her head
"It's her fucking reflection. How can her reflection look like that if she's turned around? " there's more than one mirror, i think its the eyes.