Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
o the tv show has the same background as the one in the picture... easy
We're gonna need a bigger kitchen.
They're all 18.....right...
D:< No rule of thirds, and girls outside of the backdrop area! They will but cut out.
it's a fucking TV!
witch at the top right!
If you look closeley, you can see a girl chargin lazahs
Look at the window. its a fucking picture dumbass
Where is pedobear??
The girls in the front have all been Starkist!
OMFG!!!! look!!! in the middle...there is like a face....Oh wait....just a lil girl >.>
PEDOBEAR... is there
the on above the one laying on her side looks like a crack whore
Look at the window.
Girl second from top right - Totally prepping for a peepshow.
A pedophile's heaven?
o the tv show has the same background as the one in the picture... easy