Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
Wouldn't YOU jack off to the pole dancer?
She's NOT flat-chested...your pectoral would act the same if YOU were in that same position.
Kids in the background!? - SO WHAT - Pole dancing is no sexual act, it's artistic. BTW the woman (or girl) is not dancing nude.
I want her email.:P
LOL the little kid in the back is jacking off to the pole dancer.
Agree whole-heartedly about pole dancing as being artistic. It's also a good form of exercise.
iz ih te kids in de backround??
You're gay if you think that's a man.
Momy, can we join?
The TV isn't hooked up to the cable system.
She's not in the k- WAIT!! I DON'T FUCKING CARE!!
I want her Snapchat. :d