Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
About to Fai-... About to fall
they are ugly as hell :O
i can tell what that little boy is thinking to himself, there are 2 options: 1. what a beautiful viewwww :) 2. why the fuck my "dad" doesnt care bout me??!?!?!?!
ooooft, good parents!!
the guy's gettin in a quickie LOL
dude! wtf kind of parent is he?!
Dont do it, Johnny! You got too much to live for!
with that parents i'll give that kid a good advice... JUMP!
How the hell would you not feel that. the kid is right against his back. Anyway who would lean on a rail with there kid on there back. what!!?? was little Jonny not planned????? your gona send him to the fishies?.. Plus I've never seen a bright red-headed kid come from dark haired parents (at least not both parents *winks)
the kid shit white
I'd wanna jump too if my mom looked like that.
Jump! Jump! Jump!
the guy's fapping
Harry Potter?
to be perfectly honest i'd kill myself with parents ugly as that
About to Fai-... About to fall