Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
Google is a completely automated system. It's probably because vastly more people searched black people. Blame society, not Google.
that is so racist!!!
The guy 2nd from bottom is right. You just misspell 'black' then search it, then change the text on the search to white and take a screeny. Simple and not a mindfuck...
I know what he did that was a fail What he did was just typed in "blck people stole my car" and typed it like that so it would have a spelling mistake and then after it came up typed in "white people stole my car" your a fail sir go die in a hole
guys! goto GooogIe.co.uk thats where u can make fake google searches!rofl! no joke!! try it!
jeez... racist much?
now query for "black people stole my car" returns more results "with white people". for teh justice
If black people stole it, who is the asian that made it?
Google is a completely automated system. It's probably because vastly more people searched black people. Blame society, not Google.