Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
hidden black guy???i dont know....i just know that she looks like a snakey thing.......aha!!!she's the heir of slytherin
She's missing a lot of fingers?
this is crappy for 2 reasons: 1. he left on the url tag they got it from. 2. they put F**K. what a pussy
Noodle Woman
you guys are stupid. shes wearing a black robe.
love this type of art
Same as the cover art for the "Showgirls" movie.
I love how one person took the joking too seriously and had to explain. Douche!!!
she's just a halftorso /halftit/ and one leg o-o
parts of her body is painted black. and shes in a black backdrop.
there is a hiden black guy with an extra finger in the black circle right next to her boner...
wow really its a ladys leg and like some of her body and her head!!
hidden black guy???i dont know....i just know that she looks like a snakey thing.......aha!!!she's the heir of slytherin