Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
If you look close enough,you can see a big fucktard! Serious!
looks constipated
omfg a guy who did more good things than obama
if you guys actual did some research on politics then maybe some of you wouldnt be so anti bush.
I like to see it like he has a little stupid devil/conscience on his shoulder talking shit all the time DX
if you look at the picture with your eyes open, you see a pen1s in a blue tie.
ferengi in the window penis in the whitehouse
i hate bush:-||
on bush's left is the alien that controles him just like in the other picture
if you guys actual did some research on politics then maybe some of you wouldnt be so anti bush.
heehee PEDO BEAR is waching his prey...WOOT!
KKK in the window controlling bush
If you look close enough,you can see a big fucktard! Serious!