Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
Its Your Alcoholic Dad
Was i the only one who was too busy trying not to vomit instead of noticing the face right away?
Kill it with all you got!
*Fap Fap Fap Fap Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaap*
the face in the hole in the wall is missing a finger
Okay, I see the face in the wall...but did he hand-make that 'bra'?
omfg i just zizzed in my pants
Tequilla.... who knows what might happen...
mom i told u not to be taking pictures of u hung over .... its bad for the baby.... and remember to put a shirt on and make up...... and shave....... and wax........ and comb ur hair..... :D
theres a hole inm the wall too lol
Right so i was screaming from the child mulester in his victoms bra, then i saw the face in the wall and passed out. thats pritty much how it happened!
you see, dont do drugs and you wont turn into a harry itilian wearing a polka dot/camo bra