Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
multiple snorlaxes appeared
Super Duper Fat Guy
he's mssing a finger
If you look at where the guy is looking you'll see an outline of a hamburger. I believe the joke his he wants a hamburger so bad its actually materializing.
jeez......... zoeys gotten alot older and bill let himself go.............. big time.....
he ate pedobear (.)(.)
Doesn't anyone see the bodybag on the floor?
I found the black guy! if you consentrate enouph hes on the right. its ok if you dident find him it took me 5 hours
Louis and Fat Gordan Freeman.
its Ving Rhames and two black guys
Pretty sure that what was previously described as a bodybag is ACTUALLY a leg, wearing dark grey jeans. That's the side seam that you can see on it that looks sort of zipper-ish! That's on the bottom of the screen :) Also, the person who keeps saying stuff about missing fingers is just wasting their time and internet, so cease and desist whoever you are >:(