Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
I duno wether this is it but in the top left corner theres somthing, i duno what it is, that looks like eyes!!!
there r fucking eyes in the pic
This is a still shot from some video. The girl is looking at the mirror and when she turns around, the reflection doesn't change. Instead of being the back of her head like it should be, it's still looking at her.
this is fucking real and scary, search it in youtube.com
took me a while..... but i dont think u guys have it right... uhhh theres a asian in the picture...
omfg eyeballs!!!!!!
There are two asian girls. Look close. Fails.
this is real and it still makes me scared of mirrors and i saw it for the first time like three years ago. what is it with all the japanese people and their wierd grudge ghosts and random hands everywhere?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lq3DJsjgako this is the video of it.
i don't see nothing wrong just a little gir.....OMFG AHHHHHH KILL IT KILL IT!!!!
Look on the left its a giant eye ball
I`ve had those moments ... Sigh . LOL .
Japanese Demon! D:
no this is a video like the other person said ^ its on all of the sites that have like horror shit on them. she looks in the mirror then turns round and the one on the right is still looking at herrrrr. but its like fake:)
I duno wether this is it but in the top left corner theres somthing, i duno what it is, that looks like eyes!!!