Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
If you look closely you will see an adolescent trying to draw female privates in MS Paint and get attention on the Internet.
ITS A KKK !!! :o
naa man. shrek had some happy time with play-ogre (instead of playboy dumbass!!)
wtf is this
CHRISTMAS TREE WITH a OMFG A WOMEN THingy AHHH i shat BRix into next year
Paint is missing a finger
This looks like a vagina
There is no lurking black guy
I agree I just a green orgy
This looks like a vagina
looks like shrek sneezed
if you look at it you will see a face very hard scary and it have other secrets and of im the first
The noob is missing a finger!!
If you look closely you will see an adolescent trying to draw female privates in MS Paint and get attention on the Internet.