Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
nigaz? omg, if youre against Michael Jackson, then youre gay!
nigaz stole my bike!!!!
НИГАЗ - это какая-то наша компания)) Я, если честно. ХЗ... Всем русским привет!
This shit right here, nigga? This shit right here, nigga?
с помощью Газпрома мы захватим этот мир!
nobody noticed the nazi cross on the map ?
I thought it was the news front page pic.. It's 3/4 of a nazi sign.. Maybe it's because the last 1/4 is the missing finger!!
the world needs more nigaz
I bet the Nigeria-Europe one will be called 'Nigeur'
nigaz? plz
also from a spanish speaking point of view "nigaz" could be read as no gas (no so funny but ironic aniway)
these motherfuckers like putin and his puppet medvedev wont ever leave russia till they sell the fuck out all the gas and oil and leave russia even more poor btw president medvedev is a citizen of Israel
yeah the first time I saw it I actually noticed the nazi on the top map.
only thing i noticed was this was the day michael jackson died.. and then the nigaz...
Funny, but not exactly brix-shitting. Lol'd though.
GTA 3 on the sign
The time's listed twice..?
so nigaz and GTA3 and my anti-spam text is saying "F boney" XD
Its the picture with the two guys. Its supposed to say Gazprom instead it say Graypom for some reason. Which almost looks like gay porn
BBC watches to much of the Boondocks, I suppose.
am i the only person who saw a swastika on the map?
It say the nigaz will be alot like slaves and do stuff humans want them to do
looks kinda like a swastika in the map over Saudi Arabia, and Russia.
I actually LOL'd. Still, LOL'ing.
Its because its listed under UK Business and its a Russian Oil Company. Also, its missing a finger.
You mean an oil guru fell for the 'prince of nigeria' scam? You'd think the guy wanting to call it 'Nigaz' would be a dead givaway.
when you have brix you can shit it.~_~ LMAO
ниигаз - чёрный газ ?? о_О
the compant is called nigaz, and in the background it says tampons
nazi sign in top left corner
those nigaz tryin to get shit DONE!!
Нигаз- ответвление Газпрома)
Look, nazi sign at the global map at left. D:
NIGAZ lol!!!
Obvious - Nigaz Less obvious - BBC made a grammatical error (it's/its'/its)
The new firm, to be called NIGAZ
When you see it, Nigaz will shit brix!
буржуи охуели в конец блять)
nigaz in nigeria
I heard your mum was working inside nigaz
Filthy Niggers
"Energy with Attitude!"
I say let the nigaz invest in a new joint venture
Маркетоиды в Рашке это те ещё обмудки
Gee, if Nigaz gets a monopoly on Nigeria's oil production, does that mean that all that oil is "strictly for their Nigaz"? hehe XD
Gazprom looks like gayporn
This is serious business !
Haha a Swastika bem ali embaixo do "News Front Page" Pelo jeito, só eu vi !!!
Gazprom is spelled wrong - spelled as Ga3npom
Btw when you look at the world map top left, you'll notice a swastika.
the sites missing a finger!!
ВЫ нихуя не понимаете в газпроме, товарищи!!
No one noticed "Gazprom could increase its control over European supplies" in the article about supplies from Africa?
its missing a finger
Its a joke nigeria doesnt have money xD
Swastika on the mini map top left corner?
mmm... I didn't know 'bout that deal...
1. Nigaz 2.Tampon 3. Nazi
it says BBC up in the corner. which means BIG BLACK COCK. xD
see that blue sign in the picture? backwards it spells MOPN3AT space that out it says Mop n 3at, put the 3 as an e it says mop n eat
in the top left corner it also almost forms a swastika
Nigeria is a country not a state.
i think i'm the only one who noticed the word 'tampon' on the screen xD
Biggest Nigerian Scam to date! NIgaz stole Mother Russia
bastards :-/
look at the , mindfuckers
if u look at the advertising, they also left out the r in gazprom
nigaz? omg, if youre against Michael Jackson, then youre gay!