Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
I'd do the one in the middle, but I wouldn't give her my real phone number.
Right one has a boner
All I see is a few Cr00shal kids and some dodgy angles.
Of course not! The fat one has her foot twisted, the one that's on the air. And the red head has somethinf weird going on by her right tibia
The fat one's about to fall through the glass
omg look at red heads foot on the right ,, its all wiggely
Fart alert
I only see attenthionwhores postin unnecessary pics for people to vote -.-'
i just pulled all the girls fingers... epic poo bum fart fail on my behalf
fall fatty fall!!!!
Lifted leg of green shirt girl looks like it turns sharply to the right at the knee -- shoe is facing weird direction. And none of their feet look like their actually touching the carpet + missing fingers = photoshopped? Plus I know I've seen that blond girl before somewhere.
the fat girls can do it but the skinny girl cant
3 ninjas kick back D:
The sign behind says "No farting fat fucks"
3 ninjas kick back D:
Green shirt is missing fingers of her right hand. Pay attention.
the girl with the black hoodie/red hair is also missing a finger on her left hand...
Lulz. The chick in the green shirt has gum on her shoe.
Green shirt one has an abnormal right hand and a twisted foot and the red head has a really messed up right leg
girl with green shirt= JUNK ALERT!
if you look closely, you can see 3 girls all missing a foot.
is it me or is the redheads knee severely dislocated Like 1 and a half feet too low ?
The girl in the green shirt is missing a right normal fucking hand.
their balls are showing
fat green gurl got gum on the bottom of her shoe
Eyes under the red girl, near her SHOE!!!
if u look right in the middle of the picture u c three fat people trying to be ninjas
Fat redhead on the right looks like manson, and has no eyebrows. Plus the squealing porker on the left is missing a few digits on her tight hoof...
nice dicks!!!!!!! thats jenna lee, trina dowventras and banessa sanchez!! hate them!!!!!
I'd do the one in the middle, but I wouldn't give her my real phone number.