Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
Face in the sneaker
They have chiuahuas is what's wrong
that dog is missin a finger
Look at the brown dogs right front foot. FFS you guys are idiots.GDIAF
i gunna ate uuu
Face in the sneaker.
wash your feet your dirty cunt
dog in the very back is pissing on someone's foot.
missing a pinky toe?
Mi Pedo(fart) bear
They have to hoover!!
Spongebob trashcan!!!!!! SPONGEBOB TRASHCAAANN!!!
ok wheres the black guy?
They a saints fannn,!! WOOOO! go saintss!!
Aaaaaaaah! The horror!
o.O there's so much wieners I cant take it!!!!!!
Face in the sneaker