Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
It looks like there's something up on the roof...like the motherfucking green Power Ranger or some shit. (The old, GOOD Power Rangers, not the crap that's replaced them today.)
Am I the only one who sees the floating wig between guys 2 and 3???
u all fail, there is a testical on top of the post!!!! NZ!!!
The tree behind them collapsed, and that's what everyone is so interested in?
um,. the guy on the end and the guy in the middle are Guidos. >.
Guy with the hat has really long arm.
One of the guys is a woman... guess which one....
They're all gay
YOU GUYS FAIL!! their all wearing formal then that second last guy going to the left is wearing just a shirt and jeans
tree on the far rite has boobs
If ya' look really close, you'll see some douches in the middle of the image.
Uhh, it looks like the gay middle guy has a ponytail?
these stupid ninjas
guy on far left has a boner, and the 2nd from the right looks like my brother in law 0.o
that faggot with the hat is MISSING A FINGER
one of these things is not like the other ones.
everyone around them is looking the other way so they must be missing out on something behind them
the guy in the middle looks like my ex
they all look like fags?
5 fuckin faggots
It looks like there's something up on the roof...like the motherfucking green Power Ranger or some shit. (The old, GOOD Power Rangers, not the crap that's replaced them today.)