Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
need more chlorine in the gene pool
big pink dildo third from the right over blue fat mans left shoulder
Okay I give up... where's the black guy?
wtf it's donnie darko D:
second row, third from the right, that guy has a boner
Suddenly I feel much more aware of breast cancer.
demonic rabbit behind them
the women dont have breasts
cirquel jerk
the girl in the middle without a costume is picking her pussy, are you guys stupid.
There's a floating hand on next to the fat blue man's right shoulder.
in the middle of the tree its E.T :)
look at the tall person in the red it looks like a baby was dropped behind hI'm or somethin
Four ninjas hiding in this pic
bhind all the people......the evil witch from snow white!!!!!
the dude in the ninja suit is bein held captive!!!
they are all guys
If you look closely, the woman in the middle in the front is not wearing a funny costume.
the rock behind the trees looks like an elefant
Do I see Frank from Donnie Darko?
is it just me or is it the monstyer thingy from the movie Donnie Darko..... ?
in the back theres a face on the stairs thingy
Seriously guys, that's not Frank, quit trying to be so friggin' cool.
they are all naked exept that guy wearing read shirt
They smoke too much crack?
Whats NOT wrong with this?
Shawn Micheals
Holy Shit! It's the entire cast from Game of Thrones!
Girl at bottom has no costume ;-;
If you observe closely, you can see a bunch of queers...
the gay justice leauge where thers a cock being mistreated thell b ther
Epic failures..Now see, this is what Acid does to you..
need more chlorine in the gene pool