Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
Oh come on guys, grow up. Sure she should be wearing a tampon, but it's a natural thing. Everybody has blood, don't make such a big deal out of it. What are you guys, like five or something?
the person on the right started her preiod!
thats hot...
thats an odd place to have a polka-dot.... wait.... ewwwwwww
get over it....everyone has their moments
when I first seen it when I looked up eww
Ninja Pedobear is watching
hauhahahuuaha ta de chico
dude, look at her legs... she's still a youngen. it's probably her first period. cut women some slack!
the girl having her period is missing a finger!
hey brittney can u come swimming today? uh....ok!11 what can go wrong?
thats a guy
The man in the white Speedo had his penis cut off.
hey shes missing a f.... wait no... its there, proceed ^.^
wow...i didnt shit brixs...i puked....
dats not vewy nice D: :^B
Oh come on guys, grow up. Sure she should be wearing a tampon, but it's a natural thing. Everybody has blood, don't make such a big deal out of it. What are you guys, like five or something?