Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
Spongebob Bandaid.
wi fi sticker i his leg
holy shit he ate his own neck
LOL NO fucking BALL
A wild snolax attacks.
There's random floating trees in the top right! JRB45
Uh there's a black guy in the back. Why is there a black guy a at a golf course?
If you squint, the guy in the middle looks like a fat cunt.
Obviously a fat joke about not being able to see his weiner.
theres a black guy in the tree
Shark with it's mouth open, His left leg.
Right next to his right shoulder, is a tiger on top of a tree
Hello kitty band-aid?
his club isnt straight
He's driving with a putter
Ew you see his fat flab. :[
Golf club beats up wild shemale???
HAHAHA i see it haha look at his face then look at the brick behind him
he can still manage to walk.