Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
Actually you assholes, maybe if you tuned into TLC every so often, shes a Primordial Dwarf. She couldn't control her condition. It has nothing to do with inbreeding, they can leave that to the fuck-faces who think it's hilarious to see someone who has so suffer everyday of they're life not living like a normal person. AND SHE DOESN'T HAVE A FUCKING PENIS. You guys need to get life's and leave people with problems the fuck alone.
the lil girl is so cute and she is not a baby she is a six year old girl with i dont think its nice to take the piss out of her she cant help the way she is but every one else can help wat they say your just heartless gitts
You're all heartless assholes. She's only a child, bastards, with a rare and life-threatening condition that will affect every aspect of her life until she dies. None of you will ever know what she and her family has gone through but if you did, I'm fairly sure you wouldn't be such dicks about it, so I suggest you all grow a fucking conscience and leave her the hell alone.
what a cute baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! seriously!!!
Thats the moms thumb dumbasses xD
Your baby looks retarded. I win.
She's cute, i "awwww"'ed bricks.
she has dwarfism, dumbasses. & its her mom's thumb holding her up, not a penis.
you guys need to get a life... what the fuck is wrong with you?? can't you see that kid is special... unlike you assfuckers who know nothing but to make a joke out of everything... what if it happens to you? would you like other people making fun on you? probably not!!! ASSHOLES!!!
ok this is something not to laughing at.......hope your grandmother gets raped by a big black guy with a 12 inch cock
Great, we all know she has a growth disorder. NOW STOP CUSSING AT EACH OTHER!!! *goes off and cries*
shes adorable and in a movie now :) her name is Kenadie
shes not ugly i thought she was cute...
Cute baby...
It's quite obvious that this child has problems you fuckers. This is such a good picture, and someone had to be fucking immature and put it on a site like this. Grow the fuck up.
that baby is fucking cute, and the dad is hot. bi-winning family.
I personally think she is a beautiful little girl, and anyone who begs to differ can shove it up their ass. Why is this picture even on here?
Fuckin hobbit!!
The parents are a cute couple! The mom is hot! The kind of hot you marry.
okay so we all know she has a condition and that many on here are heartless. and we also know that while all these jerkoffs are sitting behind a computer screen acting all big and bad that they would never say anything like that in the real world. also, while they are busy hiding behind what many of them will consider their significant other, this little girl and her family are out there living their lives and actually helping others that suffer from the same thing.
It's called Dwarfism, it's a condition, rare.
personally, i think shes adorable <3
You all fail, she's not a baby. She's six years old. -_-
She is sooo cute!
Some of you guys are real dickheads! >:(
wow look at all you people who care, it's getting you nowhere, especially on a site like this
from tasmania
damn... people on this sight just cant have fun... she has a cindition you know
How Many Of These Comments Are Made By Girls??? N How Old Are They??? ;D
thats not even fucking funny......
this is fucked up. she has Primordial Dwarf Syndrom you jackasses
What a sweet child <3 i saw a doco about her, i think it said she wouldn't live past a certain age :(
fuck u dumbasses.....the baby is Primordial Dwarf and she couldnt do anything about it so therefore it isnt her fault.....i hope ur kids look like that so u know what her parents go thru everyday
Not being mean, but she actually looks a little like Barbra Streisand
She's six? That explains how she could have written the top comment
TLC = Toddlers, Lunatics, and Coupons.......... That's why I don't watch it
A beautiful family photo.
why so touchy mr sensetive ??
Who cares about the ugly baby. THERES A PENIS
Nice photoshop
THAT PENIS IS ABNORMALLY LARGE FOR A BABY OF THAT AGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Top comment guy it does look like she has a dick or its someones dick or its the moms finger
what the hell you guys are rude thats a little girl
they forgot to feed the baby!!
i dont see anythi... omg kill it kill it!!
Ahh thats the cutest 13 year old I've ever seen.
I know what she is missing in the future: a husband!!!!
I dont think that the face is meant. theres a dick between the babys legs.
For Those who are saying that internet is for laughing...Would you like for Billions Of people to make fun of your fucking face? NO!, Then stop the fucking jokes about this girl, because she is BEAUTIFUL:D Don't Fucking say bad things about her, because you all don't know how your babies will be, Karma is a bitch, and i know it will get you ;)
It's the mothers finger
to the top comment, TLC is just a place to pimp out sob stories so stupid people will watch them. Their next show: Trannies Love Cash.
When did you bleeding-heart douchebags get so sentimental? It looks like the elvaan from FFIX. Stupid crotch dropping.
she's got her dads nose...
Who the fuck watches TLC.
Anyone else notice that penis on the baby? Ya know, next too her thigh...
Omg I know this woman! Is this Kendal?
They may lose her. God you guys are dicks..
who watches tlc???
OK fuckaz, the real truth is that is a lesbian couple, and the 'daddy' is actually a dyke. The dwarf kid actually looks pretty normal.
Actually you assholes, maybe if you tuned into TLC every so often, shes a Primordial Dwarf. She couldn't control her condition. It has nothing to do with inbreeding, they can leave that to the fuck-faces who think it's hilarious to see someone who has so suffer everyday of they're life not living like a normal person. AND SHE DOESN'T HAVE A FUCKING PENIS. You guys need to get life's and leave people with problems the fuck alone.
person who thinks that was a penis lol thatss the mums hand
I don't know you, But i think The baby's Beautiful :), For all those who said bad things about her... FUCKING BASTARDS, YOU DESERVE TO DIE...
that womans doll looks retarded..
Weasley, is that you?
She is sooo cute!
Actually you assholes, maybe if you tuned into TLC every so often, shes a Primordial Dwarf. She couldn't control her condition. It has nothing to do with inbreeding, they can leave that to the fuck-faces who think it's hilarious to see someone who has so suffer everyday of they're life not living like a normal person. AND SHE DOESN'T HAVE A FUCKING PENIS. You guys need to get life's and leave people with problems the fuck alone.