Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
I see Darwin!
that rock is missing a finger
han solo
Santa got entombed!!!! NO MORE XMAS???!!! :'(( (and LOL captcha said: twinkling of an eye -- Santa reference!)
Mount Rushmore ?
This photo rocks !
I see Admiral Ackbar.
if you look really hard you'll see a rock in the middle of the pic
samplings on a rock??!
jay leno
Mount Rushmore ?
Tilt your head to the right and you'll see a tilted rock.
Donald duck just snagged my hair piece.
Its Santa Claus ;)
whoever says that its missing a fukng finger go fuk yourself you fuking annoying bit**
I shat that...
I see a lot of faces
i see a large brick... poor guy
OMG!! someone shat a rock!! Plus it's missing a finger!
Arnold. Told you he'll be back.
I saw arnold shwartzenegger yep yep. get to the chopper
Darwin Fail, Boner as a Nose Pfiew....
It's Nixon
I wonder who shat that brick...
This just made me shit stones too
I see a rock... a big one at that
I see heavy weapons guy
creepy face in the rocks has lost a finger
nixon's face is in the center of the rock
I see Darwin!