Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
OMG i have seen that video like 50 times ...................OOOPS
45-54 year old men watch it the most
55-64 is all horny old men! or pedo bear.
I think that might be my ex and his best friend making out for grocery money.
bahahahahaaaa lol more women looked at it then dudes. idk how cuz i wouldnt be able to watch it.... SORRY!!!
13-17 is over 20% for girls
Men 45-54 REALLY dig young gay boys makin out for 32 seconds...but females, of the same age group, even more...not as much as girls age 13-17
so girls thing 2 guys making out is hotter than guys thing 2 guys making out? frankly.. who looks at this shit??!?!
Women who don't like hot guys making out are just strange.
OMG i have seen that video like 50 times ...................OOOPS