Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
Holy shit, he got a working webcam in vista!
I also enjoy chatting with Satan Claws
Look at the first window at the bottom : c'est un Noëliste !
He's missing a finger... Must have lost it up his nose
the only time a web cam works in vista, and hes picking his nose... sigh
Their speaking french but they still use lol.... lol! aaaaaand he's mining for gold.
He says his webcam does not work the it activates "itself" when he start to pick his nose
he's picking his nose
hes apparently not connected to the inter net but hes on msn also hes missing a finger
im soo adding this msn,.
He says "It doesn't work" about the webcam "I have to leave no more battery" and then the webcam works and his friend can see him with his finger in his nose.
hotmail email blackout FAIL!!! SPAM THE EMAIL TIME!!
he said lol even though everything else is i french. :D
Don't be surprise by "lol" in the conversation, French people use "lol" a lot on chats and such
msn is missing a finger
I have the same computer
He's not missing a finger. :/ He's missing 2 fingers, actually!
Ment wireless connection, not Wlan..sorry
It says: [they're talking about the webcam] -wait nicolas says: -nope not working :( -gotta hurry not much battery left :) Théo says: -^^ -(y) nicolas says: -lol -it's working all of a sudden oO Théo says: -it's working nicolas says: -well yes x: -look :) Théo says: -:O
Wireless interent ?
To those who says he is not connected to the internet: Besides the red X, there is a wlan mark..and he is connectet... Whats wrong with this pic, is that if you look down, he is on a website for 15-18 years..he is obviously NOT 15 yet, cause of his behavior..picking his nose..
it says regarde, that means look
Holy shit, he got a working webcam in vista!