Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
..and they never let Escher repair the fence ever again
clock reads 11:20 but shows 11:24 XO!
you divided by zero didn't you?
I don't get it... where's the black guy?
What is this I don't even.
""I found it: The watch's analog display shows 11:19, while the digital display CLEARLY shows 11:20!" you dumb shit, where did you learn to read a clock? in "SPECIAL" classes. it is at approx 11:24 and due to the angle and position of the minute hand it appears to show 11:20 but im sure it would be 11:24. also the second hand is definately there (it may still miss a finger though?) its above the 2 in digital display." STFU AND LOOK AT THE TIME PARADOX. THOSE BASTARDS DIVIDED BY ZERO!!!!!
could be showing the date on the watch, november 20th?
who let Escher fix the fence?
Please tell me they photocopied that... I done got me a brain ache
Congratulations Mr Freeman. You fucked the world over.
My brain hurts
if u stare at it ur brain will explode
Bob the builder must have been stoned - now Mandy needs to fix it
ouch...eye fucked
its not the clock.. look at the white thing.. there is no possible way that the diagonal bar can be through the two when they are parallel
wow you guys are a bunch of fucktards! this is an optical illusion, stare at it long enough and the posts move from one side of the design to the other--
*head explodes*
The watch is missing a finger
my eyes hurt...
It is a bad replica of the impossible box. Mainly because it isn't the complete box. And the watch has the wrong time. Totally not a time paradox. Dumb fucks.
Mind the shadow of the bar in the middle! Pretty well craftet though.
the direction of shadow of the fence is not like the direction of shadow of the watch.....
divide by zero oh shit 10110100010101000101010010010100112101010001001001010010000101011110101001010010101010010100110001101110101110000101100101011111101101010
this picture is funny because i just did your mom... jus' say'n...
oh its a rolex my i got confused for a minute do u want ur finger back?
Mirrors. Seen it.
This is an impossible shape.
Oh fuck! a paradox.
where's the black guy???
ugh, this isn't mirrors or anything, it's just an optical illusion, and it's obviously not even 3D, it's just a piece of card. =]
haha koool
theree all triangles (Y)
its photoshop
before you see it your are timed, and either way if you see it or not you will still shit brix. 1.) cuz you thought too hard, 2.) cuz you saw it
wait. now thats just witchcraft.
Let's pretend it's not there.
it dosent make sense when you cant read time
The middle bar that appears to be going into the back of the one on the right end is actually just sticking out, and they have the camera lined up so that it ends perfectly against the edge of the bar on the right, which is actually behind it, not in front of it, and its end has been sawed at an angle with the specific intention of taking a picture of it from that exact position, so that you can't see it end. You just see an edge. If you look at the shadow, there's a bar sticking out that just ends in mid-air.
Did anyone even stop to think that maybe, just maybe, 11:20 wasn't the time but instead stood for November 20. Why would a watch display the time in two different places, some of them display time and date.
thatz right this doesn't make sense:P
that kind of shit is possible given the right materials and a good perspective shot
There's a face on the floor Dumbasses
WHAT THE SHIT................................MEEP
I found it: The watch's analog display shows 11:19, while the digital display CLEARLY shows 11:20!
actually dumbass it the watch is at 11:24 u moron so YOU learn how to tell time!!
Let's pretend it's not there.
..and they never let Escher repair the fence ever again