Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
It's alread inside the vagina guys!
they took off balls boulevard
I like pizza
It's obviously a dildo... get it straight guys!!!
hey i live there...
Dude, if you're gonna show a penis, at least go for the gold, guys.
3rd house in the middle looks like a waste of time reading this comment. The game.
Yeah, just make a left at the next penis!!
House is missing a brix!
poor guy has a small penis
dick street 13 avenue
hi everyone welcome to PEN-----ISLAND enjoi ur stay
ikka hea noks küll
too many penis pix!!!!!! Come on, let's actually have a funny picture.
the third house five feet from the middle house with the windows IS MISSING A FINGER!!!11
Ha ha
did the trees dead?
Its missing a finger!!!!!
Men, here's a message for y'all. Stop being so godamn sexist! You could get fined for all your stupid 'get back in the kitchen's and 'she's not in the kitchen's and that actually OFFENDS people so stfu or I'll f*cking write to the government to ask them if they can fine men £1000/$1000 for being sexist! Copy and paste this comment to every post you can if you agree, and spread the word! Together, us women can make it to civility where we are treated fairly!
come, let's park there
look guys its my house
gods pee pee??? Are you fucking serious right now? dude get a grip.... get a life....get something because obviously you have no common fucking sense. wow, unreal.
i live where this is ....any one else from akron ohio
at least it's wearing a condom!!! XD
a face in bottom left
It's alread inside the vagina guys!