Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
I ate a brick and shat out cement. Hardcore stomach!!!
he had a wife...
OMG the guy is white not mexican!!
Just because all some one calls some one Mexican does not make them racist you fucking tard. Why don't we just let slavery go! It wasn't personal! White people thought black people were really strong and decided to ship them over here to america and have them do our shit so white guys could create he good ol' USA! Almost every race of humans have been enslaved throughout the course of human history, yet people only care about the enslavement of black people! Also people only make a big deal when people say nigger! But if some one says 'chink' or 'cracker' no one cares!!! If you agree, copy and paste this to as many comment boards as possible and thumbs up from everyone (I hope) so we can get everyone thinking about what makes sense. REMEMBER....together, and ONLY together we CAN change the world!!! All we need is some help!!!!!!
He's squeezing his finger-dick
Woah cement! wait a second! thats kirstie alleys anus!
the bottom's red thing has a creepy robotic face
you'll shit brix (when they are ready)
did he die?
hey thats just a guy holly fucking shit cement YES i achieved :)
if you look carefully into the cementmixer and then slightly lean your head to the left site there´s somesort of stoined laughing goblin face
i shit brix and pissed cement
Just because all some one calls some one Mexican does not make them racist you fucking tard. Why don't we just let slavery go! It wasn't personal! White people thought black people were really strong and decided to ship them over here to america and have them do our shit so white guys could create he good ol' USA! Almost every race of humans have been enslaved throughout the course of human history, yet people only care about the enslavement of black people! Also people only make a big deal when people say nigger! But if some one says 'chink' or 'cracker' no one cares!!! If you agree, copy and paste this to as many comment boards as possible and thumbs up from everyone (I hope) so we can get everyone thinking about what makes sense. REMEMBER....together, and ONLY together we CAN change the world!!! All we need is some help!!!!!!
Paul Bearer did...
I barfed bricks when I ate it.
I'm more looking at in the background at that "DAT ASS" face
im the only one that noticed the cement mixer has no handle??
There's a face on the left center
The wheel to turn the blending machine is on the other side. No idea what he is doing there...
it looks like someone luiqufied all the brix people shat over the year
Cement is not used to make bricks fucker.
Dude you forgot to actually put the head of that bird/snake thing along the board in the cement! Nevermind, you obviously don't have a hardcore stomach!
there is a Russian sniper behind the wagon
how much cum does he need to add GAWD!
oh, i see what you did there
did no retard notice the face in/by the slabs on the left
i too found the end to monster house quite pathetic, they killed a house, dont rebuild it or that fat bitch is gonna come after you next!
a fat man doing work
He has children and hens pouring cement in a fucking sandboxes you fuck asses
ust because all some one calls some one Mexican does not make them racist you fucking tard. Why don't we just let slavery go! It wasn't personal! White people thought black people were really strong and decided to ship them over here to america and have them do our shit so white guys could create he good ol' USA! Almost every race of humans have been enslaved throughout the course of human history, yet people only care about the enslavement of black people! Also people only make a big deal when people say nigger! But if some one says 'chink' or 'cracker' no one cares!!! If you agree, copy and paste this to as many comment boards as possible and thumbs up from everyone (I hope) so we can get everyone thinking about what makes sense. REMEMBER....together, and ONLY together we CAN change the world!!! All we need is some help!!
there's a fox/dog/jackal mix animal in the cement..
white not mexican wtf is wrong with you u racist bastart
I ate a brick and shat out cement. Hardcore stomach!!!