Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
Distorted face in the rock I guess.
If you completely turn off your computer...you will see a faaaaaag in the middle of your screen!!! OMG!!!
That rock has downs syndrome.
look cloesly at the blurr, dumbshits. if you look fairly hard you can see the reflection of a chicks boobs. and before anyone tries to see the nipple. she still has a tube top or something on
its a rock vag
thats one fat ass owl
It's a tawny frog mouth on top of a log. Fuck all of you.
Tawny Frogmouth. Seriously, doesn't anyone know that?
I put on me my glasses but the pic stayed fuzzy !
You guys are fucking retarded. It's an owl.
Its a hand fingering the owl
distorted pokemon cat face in the stone?
the bird sitting on the branch in the middle of the picture is missing a finger.
its a hand fingering the owl
A Tawny Frogmouth isn't technically one of the owls but a close relative. Think of it as an oversized Angry Bird.
missing head
Golum Saying "My precious"
it look like a bird jacking off
Is that marijuana plants?
tawny frogmouth on stump. ausfag reporting in
a little bird
all I see is bad photography
Dude it's Jabba the Hut in the rock
The mexican staring frog!!
There is a black guys arm at the top of pic
kuka burra (the bird)
wtf this shit is weird.
someone ninja'd the birds head off D=
The Bird has no head omg!!!
basalisk emerging from a vagina?
You are all dumb as fuck. Its a blurred photo of a strange species of bird, also my vagina is on the top right hand corner of the photo.
Damn zomibies hand raping my bird
when YOU CAN SEE IT you will shit bricks
the bird is pooping fingers
WTF???!! Snake Catch the Camera get back, get back!
Ok .. I'm just seeing a giant Guinea-pig in the rock :|
There freaking 4 animals 1: Stone on the background look like a big frog 2: Under the mouth of the frog theres a lisard 3: A snake in the middle of the screen 4: A frog, The snake eats the frog
You can see a humanoid figure in the smudge in the upper corner
It's a double-hawk. ~Krayor~
Real life angry birds.
This thing is missing a finger
if you look close enough THERES A HUGE COCK!
it's a bird. a bird sitting on a stump or something.
ooohh! its a tawny frog mouthed bird. theyre native to australia! :)
.. there is half of a bird put onto the stick
dickheads that looks nothing lie pot! and the mindfuck is the owl
u guys are stupid there is a skull cause of the blurr duh
Chucky face
a kind of bird sitting pretty, and tryin' to camouflage so his predator would not see him..
to the idiot who said "the bird has no head omg" its a kookaburra, google image it (once you see it you'll shit brix
it's a bird! no, it's plane! no, it's... MINDFUCK!!!!
I taut I taw a puddy tat
the predator is watching yo
the rock to the left has an ugly face in it .
boner rock!
hahaaha the tree has a face in bottum left corner
it's a tawny frogmouth owl
it looks like 1 of those little sisters from bioshock lolz
it misses a finger
its a tree laying down with a huge dick!! :D
Seems to me that the bird is shitting.
the Frogmouth, a genuine bird with a nack for camoflage
That bird is about to get fucking raped by that MEGA CAT
it a birdfrogeagle, like manbearpig it could be the end of mankind as we know it
ahh the rocks gunna eat uu!!
omfg for all of you that dont know. its actually a tawnyfrog mouth. its a birdy that lives in australia =3
Down syndrome
look right above you will see a hand
The owl's missing a finger
Distorted face in the rock I guess.