Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
Gravity, you're doing it wrong.
But which way will the shat brix fall?
Picture is turned 90 degrees
the homeless man is pretending to read
guy with map is actually laying on his back other two guys are hoisting themselves up with their right hands to make it appear that they are sitting/standing on a ledge when in reality they are actually on the ground
ummm...did anyone notice that they seem to be melting into the wall? you know, other than the whole ground turned around.
OMFG! The Homeless Guy Is Levitating!! He's God!!
nothing is wrong with this pictu...................OOOOOOOOOOOH right i see it, tht is funny
1. if your turn your head left you'd see that they are lying down on the ground, and an illusion makes it like they are standing up. 2. they are wearing thick jackets, long sleeves, bennie and gloves.. but do notice, where is the snow? and why is it sunny? :))
i see what you did tharrrr
Tilt your head to the right...
charles manson is out of prison
With this invisible paint spray we can sit on air!
... supposedly 90 degrees are supposed to make people shat brix?
The dude that's reading is in the wall lmao.
the guy has a shadow of his leg... but he hasn't got a shadow of his body
look in forest and youll see a face
Rotate your head 90 degree
They're on the side of a building.
The gravity is missing a finger.
he has three legs? guy at back his leg melted into the wall?
This guys are proffesional at this. It looks so realistic. (Picture turned 90 degrees
the feet of the man seems too small!!!!! it's very funny!!!
They don't need gravity!
''kay this map isnt working out for us'' ''you have it turned the wrong waay idiot!'' lmao
turn your head to the right
i love this! my head aches the moment i open this image. then i found it is a sideward picture.
comfortable seat
no bricks have been shat in the viewing of this mindfuck
ctrl + alt + left (Y) :)
hahaha!!! panis kau
C'mon John , I'cant read the news if you turns the hearth to 90°...
bando de otarios /\ \/
thats actually a really cool picture
Wow, the Earth really isn't round
Look at the guy who scratch his head. Look at his right leg O.O
their wearing couts in a sunny day
Black man in the background is missing a finger
the one who pretends to be alright, is the who has not.
he just shat a brick bench !!! 0_o
hey john well pull u up if a car is going at ur head no worry's
Looks like somebody hasn't been studying about the law of gravity
WOW, am i the only one who knows?? the 3rd guy is wearing a leather jacket
i shat a yellow road
he is missing a finger
"whatcha reading?" "oh, its called 'mindfukt'" "is it good?" "i don't know. I'm holding it upside down."
his stuck to the wall idiots!!!
the man with newspaper is lying down!
i see a dinosaur by the guy in the way back and a little down from the ledge
So no one else noticed the black ninja in the tree??
Her was pasted to the wall with cement
the man from the midle has 3 FEETS!
Tilt your head to the right
thats clever
Omg hes reading "Buckles" of the comic section!
the second guy is doing it the best as well as the reader but the dude in the back gives it away.
Gravity, you're doing it wrong.