Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
She has no ears!
the rating is A-, out of 10?
I want her to venture right on top of my dick
I'll give it A-/10
an advertising of dell for the ps3 ??
Dell, PS3, and Xbox 360 all advertised on the same page?
Its rated S for Sexy. :D
"Stay on top of your game" (lower right) So it's like you would be on top of Lara...
No way!! She has a "tatto" on her right arm with a Quake logo!!
single, adventerous women seeks capable travel companion? hmm... sounds like a dildo to me.. bahah wow.
She has some jizz on her lip nom nom nom
the description sounds like a dating ad in a newspaper
It says "Yours is here" where lara croft is. and because of that the decent developers thing. like... lara is your dell u know.
quake tat on lara chest
The game...
umm dell is for computers and its selling playstation games.. duh!!
one of the arrows in the buy now buttons shows to the wrong direction sry my english is not so good I'm from motherf***** germany
i see weed in the backround 10/10 snoop dawgs
Yours (what) is here??!
she's...not in the kitchen!!
this ones dumb
Women should only be traveling from the kitchen to the bedroom. NOWHERE ELSE!!!
"when you see it, you may decide dell needs decent developers" she has no ears
Dell is advertising for Sony.
She looks like David Gilmour
GOD DAMN IT!! i lost....
There's a picture of Tomb Rider game and the woman next to it isn't Lara Croft?!
Take out travel and adventurous.
ps2 control in ps3
wow, in the text it says "if you can keep it up"
look at her top lip..lol
I'm sorry, what? I can't hear you.
Is anyone else raising an eyebrow at the "Gaming" section at the bottom right? how many times must they use 'gaming' in a single sentence?
Go along with Lara Croft... ... ( If you think you can keep up)
"single woman seeks capable companion" Dam herpes
she has no ears
no ears ! D:
the quake symbol in her right shoulder....
OMG! why would it be DELL when ther's PS3 and Xbox 360???
Fuck,your stupid its like a dating thing... on a dell page.... Fags...
LOL looks like a singles ad in the paper y'all r retarded 4real lmao but hey who wouldn't wanna date Lara Croft???
The cut thing on her shoulder says HO.
its advertising a woman seeking a dildo!
How About the fact that it's like a ad. for a sex partner! "A Single, Adventurous Woman Seeks Capable Travel Partner." lol
read the part that says ( if you think you can keep it up) lol
This is wrong, the woman is supposed to be in the kitchen
now i have seen it all, a game where a woman is not working in the kitchen
guys look at her left shoulder, it has a mark of a male on it.
A- out of 10?
she isnt wearing a shirt : o
I lost them... (THE GAMES, in blue at the top black menu)
nothing familiar
HELLOO PEOPLE!! am i the only one who noticed that therr is sum fucken mary jane in the background?? wow. come on people learn ur plants...
xDDDDD a- out of en. i thought i as retarded
Why doesn't my x-box look like that?
Left top Dell logo and your can buy a Playstation 3...
1,000,000 VISITOR BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that better be a jungle kitchen
can't you guys see they hacked away Lara's ears? ya blind or what?
She isn't in the kitchen.
douchebags!!.. look klosely.. "single(down) Woman(right)seeks(right)capable(down)companion"..
Or the Gaming Conversation on the bottom right.
Dell, Sony(ps3) and Microsoft(xbox) all no longer hate each other, apparently. :/ Expect a supercompany to appear later this year, lol. XD
Something above her right boob?
it depends, can i put it in her pooper?
i hate to do this but. the game D:
Dell = Microsoft Microsoft = Xbox 360 Xbox 360 = Rival = PS3
(if you think you can keep up) with the game that is because dell computers are shit and certainly not cut out for gaming
Look at the "Games" tab at bottom it says Xbox 360 on a PS website
looks like a dick on her neck
single, adventurous woman seeks capeable travel companion then below (if you think you can keep it up)
Shes not in the kitchen:b
no idiots it says "stay on top of ur favorite game hero in the bottom right corner description seriously im surprised at u guys
drug plants?
This is a nice ad but the PS3 HAS NO GAMES!!!!
omg you guys cant see it it say "if you think you can keep up to the right words!!!
I saw the cartoon daffy duck top left, very faint
Single? LOL
shes really a man.
No look at the highlighted box at the top they pwnd u.....it says" the game"
she's not in the kitchen!
theres a gun to her head to the left
Missing her left ear.
Did anybody else lose the game?
Its "the games" Makes you loose the game. Duh.
these pictures keep getting scarier and scarier o_o
But Guys........the PS3 HAS NO GAMES
no you idiot the thing is that DELL is promoting a PS3 the competition of the XBOX 360 when DELL uses the WINDOWS
"the games" is highlighted, and I lost the game
ahh it says ho below her right shoulder...
fuck skip a letter single women capable companion
dell...............ps3.............360...........on the one page NOT EVER GONNA HAPPEN
A- out of 10?
She has ears, you blind morons.
single, women seeks capable travel companion... Dumbshits
marihuanna ? :D
Nu it just pwnd u guys look at the words in blue in says" the game" :D
I'm Dell developer... and that wasn't funny D:
her penis is missing a finger
"Single woman seeks companion" DERRRRH.
You morons! Its the description of the game,"SINGLE,ADVENTUROUS WOMAN SEEKS CAPABLE TRAVEL CIMPANION",sounds like a matching site description.
The game. You just failed top blue letters The Game(s)
the games
THE GAME!!!!! I lose.
single women seeks capable companion
tise game name tom rider
single woman seeks companion
top left dell u is here
She has no ears!