Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
how did you all miss it, none of those preists are fucking any of those boys
Face and hand in window, TOP RIGHT.
theres like 50 mindfucks in this one! 1. Hand/face in the window (prolly saying "oh shit i missed the picture!") 2. Lurch and the dad from the Adams family on the top row 3. The transparent kid in the button-up shirt farthest to the right on the top 4. Kid w/ an adult body on the second row 5. Hitler and Edgar Allan Poe on the second row 6. Theres a sad face on the wall behind them 7. The thing to the right of them looks like a giant bunny And theres prolly a lot more
any one else notice Edger Alan Poe in top row second from left?
or is it just me.... -
Holy Shit! IT'S G-MAN!
bottom row 2nd kid to the left is' touching' the next boy
family reunion of the KKK's.
If you stare at the middle of the picture for 20 seconds, and you look at a blank wall, you can see the KKK.
you guys are retarded, theres a little boy missing, see the empty seat, l000l
Middle row, left, no legs.........
dude... ITS HITLER!! how do u not see that/!?!? lmao second person to the right and also... face in the far right window maybe?
omg! its hitler! 4th row, 2nd from the right!!!! =D
All the men are paedophiles.
top right corner, look extremely close at the windows (the middle slab) and you should see what looks like a women ( but its very hard to see )
No legs under the kid on the left side
floating head?
The first mindfuck I saw was that the children on the left bottom corner was getting a handjob from his partner
On bottom row 2nd kid to right is wanking or pissing.
two screaming heads to the right of them
okay nobody noticed this? the kid in the front has really shiny shoes the real mindfuck is how did they get so clean and his shirt so dirty?
kid standing farthest left in the second row has no legs
Herman Munster in the back row
one boy dosent have a cloak
i think its the creepy dude in row two, gives me nightmares XP
hitler in the fuckin top row
face and hand in the window on the right.
bottom row, 5th kid from the left is the guy from MAD magazine.
Is it just me or does the guy on the left have no legs? Oo
little girl in the window wants to come out and play
bottom left row . hand cupping penis
Face in the window on the right, and in the archway leaning from the right as well.
the kid at the front left is holding the other kid's dick!!!!
none of them have feet except one kid.
The guy behind the very black kid is the devil.
The three kids in the front on the left..are they holding hands. Ehw.
there all holding there penises
Young hitler imo..
I See Hitler 2nd row 3rd from left
I like the "missing a finger", "fap fap fap", and"if you look closely" dudes. They crack me the hell up, and I'm a lady. So I'll keep voting for them.
It's like 3 generations of pedophilia in one picture!
eric cartman would love this
Frankenstein is a priest??!
dude, theres an empty seat and hands on the windows.. O.o wat happened? >.>
guys theres a face in the window and pedo bear is beside them
First row: The second one from the left is giving the first one from the left a handjob.
its Lurz from the adams family
poe was the first thing i saw
I see a monkey gremlin thingy in the window on the right
i think i see hitler
Frankenstein is there
Uhh...is it just me or does it look like that guy on the second row to the left has no legs.
All of them together, in their outifts, look like an eye?
Its Adolf Hitler at the top right!!! And yeahhh looks like theres a hand in the window might be missing a finger
this picture is so strange!!!
is tat hitler in the top row?
Each of the boys have been raped 7 times by the priests.
The one second from the left on the bottom row has his hand in the lap of the first.
kids legs are missing to the left
Somebody cut out what they were actually wearing and it just looks like white coths.
The boy third from bottom right. Look at his right leg. Then look at the bottom of the coat of the blonde sitting next to him.
theres a toadstool next to the kid on the bottem far left
It looks like there is a giant rabbit to the right hand side of all of them
there's a person behind them! xDD with the arms up \o/
Is it the frankenstein right in the top middle?
i hate this face
anyone notice the smily robot on far left bottom?
Priest in the middle of the second row is jerking off.
Yeah, that's creepy... But the third guy to the right last row looks like a vampire for some reason...?
Penis @ the right!
There's a ninja hiding just a bit to the center of the upper left corner of the photo!
The kid in the front second from the left is holding his weiner!
I see zeh grim reaper man no joke OH SHIT. *-*
The window in upper right says LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
The guy in the second row, from the left going right, is starring menacingly at the boy directly in front of him.
Photobomb circa 1916.
gigant pen0r comin up from the floor
ya i think its the rabbit
OMG ITS HITLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kid's gonna get a nice wacking for sticking out that much with the clothes.
1. 1st row 2nd to the left.. missing right/ his holding dick of his right partner.. 2.2nd row 1st from left holding his penis
The stained glass windows in the church look like someone is trying to hang themselves
What about boy's hand at the another boy's crotch? Doesn't it count?
boy on total left has no legs....
i see squidwards house :D
Face and hand in window, top left.
Every child in the photo was being molested while the photo was being taken?
ones indian
I usually don't like to be one to argue, but it looks like to me that the boy on the front row, third from the left, the one wearing black is stroking off his pal to the right. Possibly a boy's school payment for a couple of extra pancakes tomorrow morning. God bless the market economy.
Holy fuck IT'S LERCH
Edgar Allan Poe, second one from the left.
am the only one that sees the tomb stone on the right side?! :S and thats not hitler,..
Priests and little boys
this picture is just overall scary.. and ofc the face and hand in window.
aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh its Gman
the boy in the top right? -
hello, its the random asian guy with all the white catholics from ages ago with the tash.
Jebus... its the kid second from the bottom left is holding the kid in the bottom left's crotch!
Okay, face in window and one of those preachers looks like Dracula (Top Middle)
ha ha ha ha ha... floating head ya cant miss it
Hitler FTW !!
Frankenstein in the top middle
"Please, I want to appear in the picture" mission accomplished
if you look closely to the right theres a hand on the window
hitler's missing a finger.
right hand window guy in window
the kkk forgot there hats!!! :)
there is no giant bunny you dumbasses... it's a fucking gravestone!
Maniac Christians standing like pigs with white shirts LOOOOOS. Its so funny . Thanks.
frankenstine? HERE! eddger allen poe? HERE!
headless priest at extreme right
The priests arent on the kids
No one gets this mindfuck, it's about a bunch of Catholic priests and children, put 2+2 together. He's also missing a finger.
They are all ugly.
Maniac Christians standing like pigs with white shirts LOOOOOS. Its so funny . Thanks.
8 people in this photo have boners.
Taking the picture next to A GRAVE!!
how did you all miss it, none of those preists are fucking any of those boys