Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
anal lube.
hmmm theres something weird about the man on the left....
What the hell, DIET pepsi???????
brix will be shat...and then shoved back up your butt
Pepsi + Anal Lube = Teeth Lube!
they better not make any kids!
They're brother and sister. I mean look how similar they are!!!
can u imagine them using that!!!! GET OUT OF MY HEAD
what what. in the butt
The guy has no legs.
The can says diet pepsi, but it taste like regular pepsi! brix have been shat...
any1 notice the face of an old man with a "cap" on his head, with a moustache and a glowy eye under the anal lube inside the whole under the table?
suicide note after taking anal lube
It's the Diet Pepsi! Brix shat for anal lube with easy dispense spout.
At least the brix shitting will be smooth
They needed some lube to shit their brix
Agh... AGH!!!! BAD IMAGES! T-T
what about the canister of acetylene behind them????
he should use that anal lube to clean his glasses before fucking her
they arent both guys, its just the anal lube
Is it just me...or does it look like incest to you too?
They needed the lube for when the brix were shat
he shits bricks, referring to the lube.
has anyone noticed that the person that supposedly is a women looks like a dude. and there is anal lube. HAHAHAHAH SICK!!!!!
That is wrong
Sure the anal lube is on the table... but for who? ...Think about it.
It's really two gais! =O
is that kevin smith?????
The woman looks likea man
At least that way they won’t procreate.
ANAL LUBE!!!!!!!! Well, we know what they do behind closed doors...ugh...i just got chills!! -Chelsea
INBRED just got sexy...again
There is a face under the lube
hahha!!! anal lube!
anal lube? ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
"They're brother and sister. I mean look how similar they are!!!" *coughs* They are both men thats what the anal lube is for *cough*
they are ugly
their both dudes
What does anal lube mean?
Thinkin' it's the piece of paper and the fact that one of 'em knows how to READ and WRITE! Oh, and that she uses anal lube for her facial moisturizer.....
Why does the guy look like an old drunk Bill Murray?
He doesn't have legs!
Fuck! I was eating just now when I saw this shit, now I can't eat and I'm about to go shit a brick too
OMG Anal Lube and He can read. Now thats amazing!
daaamnnn !!
Hope it's not for them.
Woah, his fingers are scary long.
the guy is prego... thats it!!! n the lady or she man helped let him recieve the child(that will be an UGLY child!!!)
Pedo bear on the anal lube bottle! wait a second....
theres a sex doll behind them!!!!
Ceiling cat is watching u masturbate (a the top of the picture there's a hole)
i thought it was the gas tanks in the back. damn i´m innocent.
Anyone notice the Nitrous behind the bed?
anal lube. you'll see it...
why is there a helium tank behind the bed
his legs is missing!!
Everyones seeing a can of anal lube but i see a man on the face of the pillow on the left, he has a goatee
Penis by the list on the bed
Anal lube! Anal lube, anal lube, anal lube!
Finally, a picture I can smell!!
hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. he's smoking
trashy man using plate for ashtray is writing letter to manufacturers of anal lube for disintigrating bottom half of body
anal lube!
the man on the left kind of looks lyke the man on the right...............
a mulhuer esmago a bunda do cara
anal lubeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
eyeglasess :)
anal lube roflmfao
Who's ears on the top center are those?
cousins make dozens anal lube............................................................o.O
if theres another fucking black guy in the pic somewhere im gonna go berserk :/
pedo glasses.
They're related!
Anal lube is needed for even bigger bricks to be shat out
Ceiling cat!
pedobear is in the shampoo
its the anal lube on the dresser!
Holy Shit he's not playing WOW!
They can't open up their drawers, the beds in the way.
at least the brix will come out easy
Anal Lube - "'Cause inbreeding is killer"
The guy in your right look like russel crowe
straight people can have anal sex too you retards
oh that? "so ze hair is zilky zmooth down there" -zohan
look at the cup it says anal
pedobear under the table, right of the bed !
anal lube:) hah sexyy. JK:)
the two ugly people on the couch??
the anal lube is photoshopped into so many of these. i'v seen like 8 with the same bottle.
The room smells like shit
the diet pepsi is missing a finger
why is he in bed with his brother in a wig??
hey look ugly twins. .
just coz their brothr n sistr dosnt mean their 2gettr i mean it always hapens in america.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! damn that couple is ugly as F*@!(
EWWW Pepsi! Gross...
holy fuck!!!!! ANAL LUBE
At least that way there's no chance they could reproduce. The world just does not need that.
they look like brother and sister!
That little figure on top right is peeing into the cup
the cat below the anal lube, beside the bed.
Oh theres my anal lube!!!
Where can i find a big thing of anal lube like that haha
man on right has no legs
bahahahaha. playing dress up.
anal lube!!!
tank of rusty NOS in the back
lube =]
In Soviet Russia, lube apply YOU!
anyone else see the guy sort of being squished?? like to paper-size??
"PEPSI" ??? Thats Not A Twelve Ounce Can Of "Wife Beater Juice"...
Brix have never been so easy to shit!
They look related too >.
what i wanna know is which one takes it in the heresy high way i bet its the hillbilly he screams sodomy
i found it! anal lube! i think the guy wants to bone the woman...
INBREDS!!!!!!! they both look alike
Oh kay well lets see: hes with him and hims with he their in his or hes mom's bed there is a christmas list from him and he they has only one diet pepsi there is an empty plate and... HOLY CRAP- THAT'S MY ANAL LUBE!!! those dicks.
next to the anal lube. see it? 2 failures. crazy shit huh.
They look like they are the same person, one with a beard and one without
he's highhhhh
Anal lube and pepsi go perfect together
That bottle of lube gets around!
ANAL LUBEEEEE. AND PEPSI. "Honey, go get me some mo Pepsi." *Applies lube*
they look exactly alike. both look like men.
to poor to buy food had to get it painted on plate
I did not wanted to picture that in my head...
They are both men and there is a tub of anal lube.
HOLY SHIT!! their both wearing glasses No theres really anal lube next to some pepsi
nice anal lube
anyone likes some anal lube?
anal lube? GROSS!!
When you see a bottle of anal lube and in a pic of two hillybilly rednecks... you kinda have to ask yourself.... Who was fucking who last night?
Is that crystal pepsi?
ew! its pepsi! i shat brix alright. wtf where's the coke?
Omfg thats disgusting! so is the anal lube...
two ugly ass cows on bed i found it
the granny in the back of the couch
anal lube.