Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
The guy in the white shorts is being carried away by a UFO.
Looks like Yellow shorts guy is doing doggy-style with white Bikini girl.
Man on yellow Raft thing looks like he's giving the girl in front of him oral.
Middle guy is getting something out of black girl's butt.
Guy-closest-to-the-water is shoving something up girl-closest-to-the-water's butt
Guy with light blue shorts on the right has a buldge in his crotch. -
Theres at least 3 seemingly sexual positions. And did anybody notice that BIG FUCKING TSUNAMI coming at them?
this is a real picture and ive been to a beach like this.....ooooo yea i got to know some nice guys in most of these positions...btw everyone got laid after the pic was taken
Austin Powers Anyone ? XD
haha all them look like they are fucking
everinthg is happening there is erotical
when you see it, you'll cum brix...
theres just soo much wrong with this pic ;P
HOLY SHIT! I love frisbee!
a garota la na frente erto do de shorts azul
LOL talk about perfect timing! this made me LOL
So THIS is what visual innuendo looks like.
theres a yellow ball floating in mid air.
top center girl on all fours with umbrella in her ass
Everyone in the beach is doing sex someway.
girl on right is gonna get spanked
hilarious, sex everywhere
The black guy lying down is alone.
black guy naked with a boner and the girl with red bikini looks like giving a handjob
lol fucking good.üü
Black guy gettin a handjob from chick, but the guy wants to take over to show off his shake weight skills @_@
It's all hetero! :O
Okay, so, one guy is being carried by a UFO, there is a tsunami (which noone notices) and the guy oh the far right looks like he's going to spank that bitch- IN THE FOREGROUND there is someone sticking an umbrella into a womans ass- guy in the far left is banging a girl who is picking up a towel- in front of the guy with the umbrella there is a man sticking his fist into a female vag/anus. O.O WOW
What a ?!
only is a nice day in the beach xD
There is more to that guys comment "Looks like Yellow shorts guy is doing doggy-style with white Bikini girl. Man on yellow Raft thing looks like he's giving the girl in front of him oral. Middle guy is getting something out of black girl's butt. Guy-closest-to-the-water is shoving something up girl-closest-to-the-water's butt Guy with light blue shorts on the right has a buldge in his crotch." I also see the white woman in red bikini is giving the black man a hand job. And the man with the tennis rack is spanking the woman bending over
That dude is totally goi down on that chick and plus theres a guy shittin up a storm in the distance.
haha in dah pooper
People on a beach. . . OH MY GOD A TSUNAMI!!!!!!
the guy laying down is missing a finger
you dumbass shits it's a fake picture. supposed to be funny -_- this site sucks balls
the girl in red bikini is masturbating a black dude
Everybody in this picture is doing something sexual lol.
How do i write a comment?
wow....sad thing is i fit right in at this beach!!! gotta get a new bathing suit
Black guy looks like he's about to get a gay handjob
theres only one black person
There is a girl jerking off a black guy who is laying down
this beach is sexy
I think i just had a mini-orgasm.
anyone else notice the ass grabbing and fucking? and some dude is using a lacrosse stick, not even doing it. and i almost missed some oral but it kinda sucks anyways.
the fuck everything is shit brix !
The white shorts guy is LEVATATING!
nobody noticed the black guy
Subliminal messages about sex!!!!!!!!
And the girl in the red bikini is giving a hand job to the black guy
the dude in the center is licking the girl's [in the pink bakini] vagina
when you see it youll shit bricks ummm i dont think im shitting... -looks at pants-
awwwh, frisbie-dude is left out :( xx
all of them are missing fingers
no body ever seems to notice the guy on the right smacking the girls butt with the paddle.
wheres david hasselhoff when u need him
The guy on the left is missing a finger.
Black guy gettin a handy.. Always forget the black guy
Don't forget the guy who is being fapped by the girl on green raft
No no no no no, you guys have it all wrong, they're all missing a finger
i would like to visit this place :P
left guy doing doggy-style. middle guy reaching up her ass. girl in the back getting sodomized by a giant pole thing and the guy with the ball-paddle thing looks like he's slapping her ass with it.
Hah, this one was actually shown in my psych class.
Wtf, why the hell is there a guy with a frisbee?
now THATS what i call sex on the beach :P
did no one see the black guy getting a hand job?
its obvious guys... the beach is missing a finger
I shat 6 brix. Wait. Make that 9 O_o
I see only 3 (2 if you want to count the guy's bulge in his shorts) people that don't look like they are in some kind of sexual encounter. Otherwise it looks like a fun filled sexfest on the beach :)
The dude in the blue shorts alll the way in the back is stick n umbrella in the girls ass
RAPE IN 5..4..3..2..1
it perverted but if u look close 2 the left corner there a ufo that look like frisbe
this pic is just perverted all around
I found the black guy.
there's so many things goin'wrong in this pic...!!
lots of wrong thing gonig on
Are you guys stupid? It's obvious the guy laying down is missing a finger.
Girl with the black dude is giving him a handjob.
Found another!! Girl in red/orange bikini near the middle giving the black guy laying down a hand job!!
u r all fucking morons. if u had half a brain u would see that everyone in the pic appears to be in a sex position. LOOK CLOSER!!
OMG, you guys dont see it? Guy left with yelow pants takes the white bikini girl from behind, guy turned around eats the pink bikini girls pussy, black girl bending over is ass grabbed by the guy in blue shorts, women thats far away is fucked from behind,Women that is sitting gives guy a ice horn but it looks like shes rubbing that black guy laying, and totally right is a guy spanking the girl with a tennisracket..
i see some fisting and spanking :D
Sleeping black guy is being handjobed ;)
nope....nothing wrong here...
The only non-sexual thing here is the guy being carried away by a UFO,
the biggest god damn photobomb i've ever fuckin seen.
Sex on the beach taken to a whole new level.
wtf this is fuck me beach. lol
they all r having orgys look at all the peoples
just a normal day on the...wait a second.
so much buttsex
It looks everyone is fucking eachother.....
swinger beach
Did anyone notice the black man tanning?
its not a tsunami. its mountains in the backround
Does anyone else see the black baby sun-baking?
i see a black guy on the right side! ! !
Damn... I thought it was that they were all barbies
behind the guy with the blue shorts a chick is getting it on with an umbrella. she only has a top on.
Look at the back the girl on all fours looks like she has an umbrella up her arse
i don't know about anyone else, but i counted six sexual positions...
the first thing I noticed was the blue shorts guy
Omfg there is so many wrong things guy getting UFO and guy looking like eating pussy and guy looking like going to slap a girl with a ping pong thing and etc....
no body is throwing the fisbee to the guy in the light blue shirts
Guy on yellow pillow is licking the nut.
eu n entendi
Yep, I'm sure that the only thing mindfucking is the guy being carried away by a UFO.
back GUY getting a handjob? its quite obviously a black woman! this site is ridiculously racist....dickheads
Guys shoving rod up girls ass in the back ground
Am I the only one that noticed the black guy ?
Did anyone notice the black man tanning?
im 90 % sure that beach is Calle Bassa in ibiza.
Wow, Amerikans, "The sex scene" is a ploy. Look at the MASSIVE fucking wave coming. Get your minds out of the gutter people.
I cant stop lathing HELP
nobody notices that the girl is jacking off the black dude LOL
Looks like Yellow shorts guy is doing doggy-style with white Bikini girl. Man on yellow Raft thing looks like he's eating her pussy out ..and she is liking it... but who wouldnt :P. Middle guy is getting something out of black girl's butt. Guy-closest-to-the-water is shoving something up girl-closest-to-the-water's butt Guy with light blue shorts on the right has a buldge in his crotch. and the girl in the red bikini is giving a guy a hand job and a guy is about to smack a girl in the ass with a PADDLE
Blonde girl sitting in red bikini is giving a handjob to the black guy lying around.
The whole thing rules!!!
one of them is missing a fingure
Guy is playing frisbee with himself.
Ok, so why is the hot ass chick in the blue laying down not being treated in any way or fashion??
welcome to majorca, where beach orgies arent just legal, 90% of them end in chlamidia
XD Look at the woman near the water! XD
they're missing a finger
every1 is gettin fukkd
White girl fapping black guy : PASS! Why guy coming to help : FAIL!!! Wtf dude... you just ruined this picture for me!! Mothafucka. O_o
one big ass ORGY
ewwwww look he put his hand in the womans arss
The guy in the blue shorts is fisting the black girl
Found it! The bikini girl still wear a bikini!!! OMG!!!
The white shorts guy is LEVATATING!
1) paddle that a** 2) left center is eating out 3) left most is doing standing up 4) halfway to the water - black hand job 5) center near water - umbrella up the ... 6) UFO man 7) mountains or tsunami?
Look at the dude with the yellow inflatable
The guy with the paddle is going to smack her ass .
do I need to say what's wrong with this picture ? -_-
the guy stretching and the guy on the float
That girl isn't reading her book! What a loser! Am I right? .....
so much sexual thing going on at da BEACH :3
The girl with the book is missing a finger!
there is a huge wave in the background. duh.
Just Spread Your Legs and Get a Head In between, Bend Over Naked and Something's Going Up Your ass, Bend over period and your just gonna get poked anyway, If your bad You Deserve a Spanking and Good Things come to those who stick their hands up peoples Asses!!! UFO's Come to take guys in white shorts away!!!
orgy ufo pr0n
Interracial 3 some anyone?
OMG! You retards, obviously girls are not in kitchen and also all of them are so horny and I just farted
.......What ISN'T wrong here?
the boat in the background is missing a finger
The guy closest to the camera with a paddle, looks likes he's smacking the girls ass.
There is everything wrong with this picture.
Ok so everyone notices the whites gettin it but no one notices the black guy gettin a hand job.
There's only one black person
Blacks had their own beach's during this era
I'm surprised guys...guy with the paddle on the right side of screen is smacking the girls butt, duh.
That's not a tsunami, that's land. Are youy colourblind or something?
Black dude is getting a nice hand job.
everyone is fucking everyone!!
bad girl on the right needs a spanking
guy in the back is sticking something in the ladies ass another guy is fisting the black lady in tha ass
The girl in the yellow bikini has lost her contact lens
1: The guy with the racket is spanking th black bikini girl 2: The guy with yellow shorts is fucking the white bikini girl 3:There´s a guy eating the pussy of that pink bikini girl 4: The guy on the shore is getting his umbrella on the ass of that girl 5: Another guy getting his hand on the black girl´s ass
Yellow Shorts Buttfucking to left Front guy giving oral Ass slap to right Fisting in the middle More buttsex in the very end Jacking off the black guy And a big ass tsunami
... kkman moveing on to next picture
Hand job for black guy on green towel, paddle spanking not mentioned yet
The most active beach around :)
tha balck dude has a boner :)
That's not a tsunami.. It's trees and the other side of the river..
Type your comment.
The left guy sitting on the pillow.
His head.... in the girl's ....
blind horses! -
Anyone notice the girl getting smacked in the ass haha
EVERYBODY is horney. Obviousley...
I don't see anything wrong with the pic, except for the black guy trying to get a tan...
guy an right spanking that girl with a paddle ;)
Theres alot of dirty things on this
Don't forget about all the freaky fish sex going on in that water!
guy on right pattling girls ass, guy eatin girl out, guy ramming pole up girls ass, guy sticking hand up girls ass, and guy butt fucking the girl on left
So many things wrong with this picture, i dont need to state the obvious, but i will anyway..they're all missing fingers.
The guy in the white shorts is BREAKING THE PYRAMID!
the guy on the right is spanking the woman with a bat
Seems like a massive orgy..
ay bastuZZ
5 sexual posistions awesome looks like the guy on the left just came
xD its a fucking Tidal wave smart ass, and btw everything else on the page is sexual but they try to draw your attention away from the wave with it xD
Nobody's mentioned that the girl on the right is getting her ass paddled/
*fap* *fap* *fap*
LOL the guy in the middle is looking between her legs!!!
a ninja on the green towel watch him
guy is reaching for black dudes dick
theres so mamy things wromg in this picture lmao
There Are So Many Thing Wrong W/ This Photo For Example: 1. The Dude Playing Tenis Looks Life He Is Slapping The Girls Ass 2. The Girl In The Background Is Giving The Black Guy A Hand Job 3. The Blue Shorts Dude Has His Hand Up The Girls Ass 4. Two Of Them Look Like There Doing Doggy Style And So Much More.
so many dirty pics
all of those sexual positions are missing a finger.
you forgot the dead black guy
WTF these guys are doin' sex everywhere
the guy with a paddle looks like hes slapping the girl bending overs ass lol
THERES UFO!! ehehe and little bit sex
did anybody how the chick looks like shes giving the black guy hand but shes probably giving the other guy a chocolate bar?
the guy on the left with orang shorst and the guy near the water with an umbrella
oh meeenn,back,the men fk she wiith a umbrella
looks like there having fun lol
too much inyourendo tijii
girl in red bikini on right look like she wacking off black dude layin down.
alot of things wrong wit this......beatboy moving on
blue bikini chick actually has no hands
Come on guys, it's obvious, there is a black guy sunbathing
they forgot the black guy getting a handjob in front of the girl getting paddled
but its supposed to be like this so it doesnt really count
faze uppp
Lol its a ass party
the guy with the ufo and the guys hand is in the girls ass
ok the guy on the raft looks like hes eating pussy,a white guy is greabbing in a black girls ass,the guy playing tennis or racket ball is hitting a girl with the paddle,the girl in the white bikini is bending over on the guy,and then theres a guy sticking an umbrella up a girls ass and to tell me u only saw ufo wtf
LOL it's not a real pic yo...
Various innuendo!
There is WAY too much fun in this pic for me not to be there to partake in the festivities!
her book is opened to page 42
there are too many sexual innuendos to name off. Every person in this picture is doing something sexual.
is the mountains in the background a long penis?
dude look at the girl in the back there is a towel flying out of her ass
He is just throwing a frisbee
Guys getting an umbrella up his butt
so many things that are wrong..
Well, one girl was getting fisted, one girl getting fuck3d, a guy getting stabbed in the a$$, girl getting licked between the legs, a girl getting smacked on the booty with a paddle, and a guy getting carried by a disk/"UFO"/frisbee
Sky is missing 2 fingers lol
The guy wit hthe ball and bat is spanking that chick who is bending over.
Everybody is fornicating without direct contact!!! but the real surprise is..........No Niggers on the BEACH BiATCH!!!! what is it europe??
Guy on right spanking!
duhh there is a towle being pulled out of a guys ass by the watter
1.Looks like Yellow shorts guy is doing doggy-style with white Bikini girl. 2.Man on yellow Raft thing looks like he's giving the girl in front of him oral. 3.Middle guy is getting something out of black girl's butt. 4.Guy-closest-to-the-water is putting his umbrella to her butt. 5.Girl with orange bikini and bra got the pen of the black guy. 6.Guy with the ping pong racket slapping the girl in front. Thats all....
More like the guy who threw the Frisbee his hand is up the girls ass
O my fucking god so many reasons for me to shit bricks!!!!
the girl in between the guy in blue shorts and the girl with a red bathing suit is getting butfucked with a umbrella!!! :/ yuuuuuuuuuuuuuupppppp
erybody getin sum sex up in dis bitch
there is no ping pong table
Person on the right is spanking the girl with the tennis racquet
The guy who's being taken by "a ufo" I just catching a Frisbee lol
Lmao that guy's shoving an umbrella up the chick's ass... lolololllll Omg, that chicks giving the black guy a handjob >.< I want to go to this beach. :DD
man to the right is NAKED
black guy is also getting jacked off by some chick
oh yeah!:D now thats what i call a beach party ;D
i still dont see anything
ok you see the girl giving the black guy a handjob....look to the left just slightly an the guy is trying to give help her do it......the only gay thing on here
Everything!! just look
I thought it was the guy looking at the girl XD
a dude is fisting a chick
EEverywhere is shitty
The most active beach around :)
... Am I the only one who sees the naked guy in the middle with the umbrella up his ass?
IT'S A UFO!!!! ok it's not... i know it's all sex stuff :P
omg they have sex
sex beach anyone
never try to catch a UFO out of the sky...
theres a guy reaching for the guys dick thats getting a handjob
the guy on the yellow lounger is missing a finger
nobody noticed that there's no umbrella in the guys ass closest to the water
This whole pic is fucked ^ :] -FreakNInjaBitch
The woman in the background is has an umbrella up her butt
2 muck inyourendo :P tijiji
The girl in the back has a book
Yellow shorts man is doing white bikini girl, black chick is getting fisted by yellow shorts guy. MIddle top girl is getting doggy from a freak of nature. Black dude on green mattress is getting a handy-J from the blond sitting down...black thong chick has been a bad girl...Dude laying on yellow matress is chowing on a midget with pigtails.....
That black is actually pretty hidden
A bunch of people look like there have sex open ur eyes people
Um Wait What? There's A Niqqer On The Beach!
lol i was going to type a comment and it said "Enter the following: hard and fast"MLIA
"Looks like Yellow shorts guy is doing doggy-style with white Bikini girl. Man on yellow Raft thing looks like he's giving the girl in front of him oral. Middle guy is getting something out of black girl's butt. Guy-closest-to-the-water is shoving something up girl-closest-to-the-water's butt Guy with light blue shorts on the right has a buldge in his crotch." And guy with paddlebat is spanking girl girl with black underwear's ass? lol
yes the miss in white losed her tongue
The girl is getting eaten out, high five to any guy who can make a girl moan like that(;
welcome to sex beach :D
i saw 7 things.
daniel tosh is geting raped by the umbrella
Anyone see the guy getting the umbrella shoved up is ass near the water?
haha, its all sex, the man in the yellow shorts is doin te girl up the arse lol xxx
sexual shit everywheeeere as for that tsunami, it's not a tsunami, it's a different part of the island. that's what it looks like anyway.
you forgot the guy on the left is Fckin the chick on the left, and the guy with the paddle is slapping the other chicks ass
Face down ass up that's the way I like to fuck
to many things wrong...
the guy on the right shaves his legs
Guy with the paddle looks like he's spanking the girl in front of him.
beach blanket bingo. exorcist girl somewhere.
I See 6 MindFuckers
it looks like all of them are having sex
What's great about this picture is that it's all grainy, like somethin' outta the 70s. lol
Oh, I saw in the background a girl is getting her butt penetrated by a pool toy lol but I think that it might just be me that sees it lol
1.on the left side the yellow shorts guy is f****** the bikini girl 2.guy on the yellow raft is giving the pink bra girl a strike ahm.... 3.blue shorts guy is fisting the black girl that is undressing 4.on the far right the NAKED guy is slaping the black pantie girl with a |you know| 5.in front of the beach blue shorts guy is sticking the umbrela in the girls ass 6.the white shorts guy is taken away by a UFO soo see whats wrong with this picture preety good right.
Not to mention the girl in red bikini looks like she's giving that black guy a handjob, and the guy with the bat/paddle is spanking that other chick.
The guy on the right is spanking the girl.
Lol didn't even notice the tsunami-mountains :p
what about the guy shoving the umbrella up her ass
The guys head, up front, is in her crouch and she is enjoying it. Wile a women in the background gets something up her ass!!! And the gay with yellow shorts is having a good time as well But the gay withe the blue shorts can't find somthig? And the guy thats throwing a tennis ball is slapping that ass And the women he's slapping is holding a guy ,and the girl he's trying to get over to don't care.
In Austria we call that a normal sommer day.
maybe theres a sex party?
WAKE UP WAKE UP youre in sex beach
The whole picture.
doggystyle, fisting, handjob, spanking, umbrella up ass, and guy giving girl head FIND ALL 6 WIN A BRICK
It looks like someone is being poked in the ass with an umbrella
so many funny shit going on roflmfao!!!
Did anyone NOT notice the girl in the red bikini sitting down looks like she's stroking the black guy's cock???
Sex on the beach
there is a lot wrong with this pic
Everyone is getting some in this pic!!!
Any one notice the girl with the red bikini giving the black guy a hand job?!
no sense whatsoever
lol thats nice
everyones getting leid now a days
so many wrong positions....I also see pedoear lurkin in teh seaz
who wants a prostate exam
the most dirtiest pic on the internet
sex beach anyone
too many sexy things going on here
its many i don know if im right or wrong
everybody is doing a sex position
its all sexisem
5 thinks gone rong
♫♫ I wanna have sex on the beach. Come on move your body. Sex on the beach. I wanna have sex on the beach. Come on there's a party ♫♫
i saw it the guy shoving the umbrella up the persons ass. oh, wait
there is nothing to even really say about this.. job well done. job well done.
their is sex going on evry where porn at a beach so sexual aexual beach sex sex sex sex evry where
black dude gettin a handjob
Black guy.
I see more than one lol
guy and the black girl looks likes hes touching her ass
Guy eating pussy
i see fisting, anal, doggy style and ass spank
Damn i wish i was there!!
naked man in the background
This was just fucking epic.
group sex is bad :) guy lying down looks like hes eating that chick out , yellow shorts is rearing that chick , guy looks like that guy is slapping that girls ass with that paddle , black girl is getting fisted by mr frisbie thrower , looks like that red bikini chick is giving out some hand , and that last chick is taking it up the ass with that umbrella
"that's a somewhat ok pic. where's it from?" its an ads, i forgot what. one of my fave ads :)
How can anyone play when this "view" in front, they are pretending!!!
is that a guy pulling a towel out of a womans ass?
Sexual beach i found 5 different things
dude it's a giant orgy
"WARNING! Carry on reading! Or you will die, even if you only looked at the word warning! Once there was a little girl called Clarissa, she was ten years old and she lived in a mental hospital, because she killed her mom and her dad. She got so bad she went to kill all the staff in the hospital, so the government decided that the best idea was to get rid of her, so they set up a special room to kill her as humanely as possible but it went wrong, the machine they were using went wrong. And she sat there in agony for hours until she died. Now every week on the day of her death she returns to the person that reads this letter, on a Monday night at 12:00a.m. She creeps into your room and kills you slowly, by cutting you and watching you bleed to death. Now send this to ten other pictures on this one site, and she will haunt someone else who doesn't. This isn't fake. Apparently, if u copy and paste this to ten comments in the next ten minutes u will have the best day of ur life tomorrow"
Yellow shorts man is doing white bikini girl, black chick is getting fisted by yellow shorts guy. MIddle top girl is getting doggy from a freak of nature. Black dude on green mattress is getting a handy-J from the blond sitting down...black thong chick has been a bad girl...Dude laying on yellow matress is chowing on a midget with pigtails.....
5 ShitBrix in one post
There's a shade over the mountains on the back, but ain't there any clouds on the sky.
finally some porn
the man in the middle looks like hes looking down the other ones pants
doggystyle, fisting, handjob, spanking, umbrella up ass, and guy giving girl head FIND ALL 6 WIN A BRICK
Just in reply to the things i havent seen pointed out yet.. The girl in red is giving the black guy a handjob,
guy with the ping pong paddle looks like he's spanking the chick in front of the paddle.
the black dude is getting a hand job
Buttsecks :D
Perverts. Damn.
that friz bees missing a fginger
why is there an orgy on this beach
there a black guy tanning!!!!
Many missing fingers...
Its a frizby
Might as well be called a nudist beach
just another day at the beach.........
...Wher is this magical place...
Oh , I found the Black Girl , Im shittin Brix
It looks like the guy on the left is spanking the girl bending over
I honestly thought it was the tennis racket
Theres a whole lot of ass fuckin goin on!
there is a naked woman with an umbrella in her ass hole
the wohle the pic is messed up
Looks like Yellow shorts guy is doing doggy-style with white Bikini girl. Man on yellow Raft thing looks like he's giving the girl in front of him oral. Middle guy is fisting the black girl. Guy-closest-to-the-water is shoving something up girl-closest-to-the-water's butt Guy with light blue shorts on the right has a buldge in his crotch.
thats so perverted
And look at the see there is a tsunami
talk about sex beach
the girl sitting with her back to us is holding the black man's penis. holding the base ofthe shaft to be precise.
Oh ...well that was the least of the problems here....you got one guy fingering a girl...and a girl getting completely dicked
everything in this picture is wrong
If the ufo is the only think you see you should just leave
where can i find this beach>
Good handjob, blonde girl, black guy in the middle
That guy on the yellow beach floating is getting some pussy from the girl in the pink bikini.
That was planed
Welcome to orgy beach, you're ticket number is : 19028839845172398
in the back guy is sticking something up a girl looking back
the gmiddle black guys getting a hand job, and doggy style on the legf, open legged guy and girl , bulging cock blue shorts, guys checking out black girls ass, guy clostest to the water is shoving something up that girls ass. NBD
i bet you missed the girl supposingly holding the black guys d##k
"WARNING! Carry on reading! Or you will die, even if you only looked at the word warning! Once there was a little girl called Clarissa, she was ten years old and she lived in a mental hospital, because she killed her mom and her dad. She got so bad she went to kill all the staff in the hospital, so the government decided that the best idea was to get rid of her, so they set up a special room to kill her as humanely as possible but it went wrong, the machine they were using went wrong. And she sat there in agony for hours until she died. Now every week on the day of her death she returns to the person that reads this letter, on a Monday night at 12:00a.m. She creeps into your room and kills you slowly, by cutting you and watching you bleed to death. Now send this to ten other pictures on this one site, and she will haunt someone else who doesn't. This isn't fake. Apparently, if u copy and paste this to ten comments in the next ten minutes u will have the best day of ur life tomorrow"
the man who is right to the man who is puting his hand in the womans ass is puting a umbrella in the womans ass
evreyones haveing sex
Guy sticking his hand apparently into a girl's rear
The guy in the white shorts is being carried away by a UFO.