Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
She's hiding her tits :P that's what's wrong
thats the same dude who was looking at them 5 chicks in the hot tub! :O dam he gets around much..... rofl :P
haha peeping tom
in window -
2 tvs
1 on top of the other
the bigger 1 is turned off
I shat bricks -
I SEE IT! She's not in my bed!
I Think someone outside is feeling happy
did someone seriously say she is CHUBBY? wtf is with the world.
the girl in the middle on the chair
''oh hi mum''
-sighs- I hope shes bisexual <3
There's a bear next to the bottom TV (pedobearish?)
And there seems to be no way out of the room except through the window. The desk takes up most of the right and back walls, a dresser on the left all and theres something that looks like a bed at the bottom of the pic.
Face in the window. -
I would tear that shit up lol ;D
There's an alien at her window about to abduct her.
I should be in the room fucking her hard!
the thing wron here is she needs to uncover
its the dog on the bed watching her
omg a puppy :DDDDDDDDD
Obama is on the TV saying "YES WE CAN!"
You all need to get out more. Really.
the guy in the window is missing a finger
You guys see the man in the window while I am still wondering what the hell that fluffy thing is in the bottom right hand corner.
Poor dear obviously could not afford clothes because she wittingly spent all her money on ancient out-dated electronics most assuredly from a few seedy garage sales...Just when you think all hope is lost...But wait, just outside her window appears to be one of those nice boys from the "Geek Squad" and he has heard her dire situation and is going to surprise her with a total tech makeover. I hope he throws in a pair of socks or something! ... And that, kids, is what I tell myself the "real" story is so that I am not up all night shatting the brix!
That bitch is supposed to be cleaning up that mess!
How manny time did you need to find the nigga? 1 second = FUCKING GAY! 2 seconds= gay 3 seconds= almost a little boy 4 seconds= boy nigga? what nigga? = MAN
That leather must be cold as shit.
There's a pedophile out of the window o.o
mmmm, she looks sexy :]
She's not in my room with a beer.
theres a guy watching her in the window NAKED woah there
LOL,face behind the window Pedobear behind the television
pathetic black dude jacking off while looking trough the window lol
theres a guy looking at the window !
When you see it, you're gay.
Me behind that window
her boob missing a nipple
what was she doing before ....oh god :-O
There are two TVs.
look at the dog XD
Is that George Bush on the TV?!
black dude in the window
Hahaha there is an exercise cycle in there hahah. Oh, wait.
the guy that watched those chicks in that tub strikes again !!
I'd hit it
why are my girl friend hiding her tits when she is a porrno star??
Billy Mayes is in dah window! :D
All i see is a man in the window.... OH SHIT A GIRL.
there's someone in the window. :P
Two TV's?! Insane!
I DECLARE THIS A GAY TEST If you noticed the girl first, your fine =D
im not really lookin for the mindfuck im just lookin for a conveniently placed mirror
i just see a sexy, naked girl lying dow- HOLY SHIT!!!KILL IT!!!!!!!KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!! KILL IT!!!!!!!!!
fuck tards who took the picture?
The dark man in the window :P
peeping tom and a dog on her bed....nice
another unexpected black guy... *sigh* wheres the unexpected white people @?
i found the fail: there is an elliptical in her room, but she is still chubby
SHE HAS A BONER! No.. wait! That's me!!
that's taylor swift
K which one is the fake? this one or the one in the link?: http://static.fjcdn.com/pictures/brix_86547d_2813777.jpg
Chuck Norris ! I see Chuck Norris !
Close the window jeanie !
hey there's a black guy on the t.v. :o
look at the window .:)
its rick alstey!!!
The guy pressed to the window...
that bitch is sexy, i'd fuck her.
the creep doesn't know the window's open. I shat brix for his stupidity.
oh hi im just here to clean ur windows :)
Rate me up if you agree that men are fucking retards. They do nothing but say "get back in the kitchen" to women all day, I mean, GET A LIFE! Females have feelings too! And if that's what you do all day, you really need to stop being a fucking hobo and get a life! What do you think women would do all day 'in the kitchen'? Because if you were half-decent and had a job, then HAVE SOME COMMON SENSE, RETARDS! Would you be here if it wasn't for women? No, that's right, so have a little RESPECT, and treat them at LEAST like your equals! And the kitchen is where the knives are kept. And why did god create man before women? Because you're supposed to create a rough draft before you create your masterpiece.
I'm not sure that the people asking why she's naked grasp that some times chicks like to rub one out, too.
The dude looking through the window looks kinda like uncle phill... thats the last time my mom'll send me to live with my auntie and uncle in bel air
"daaaaamnn-" "WHAT THE FUCK?"
That's my cousin...
waving hi back to you peeping tom
Holy shit! This room is a mess!
man i would so tap that wiat nevermind I WOULD DESTROY THAT
I remember that chick, I left a big puddle outside her window!!
hey i know that girl and im in love with her.... oh wel 6 year crush out the window...
that black dude is stalkin in da window
ninja niger
well the fact that she´s naked makes it harder
The white dog under the desk is Fapping...
is the dog going to do anything ....... just asking
shes not chubby you wierdo, have you ever seen a woman naked in real life?
holy shit. lok of the left of the zombie. the windows open!
he's everywhere naked chicks are! :( i'm going to follow him one day!
The person in the window is missing a finger.
i jizzed instead of shat
OMGZ!!! There's a perverted dog watching her!!! I sooooo wish I was that dog!!!!!
needs to get an award for the worlds dirtiest room
She is not fingering herself
look the window
ask yourself this....if all that shit is there, and there is a bed that the dog is on....where the fuck is the door?
i would have sexy time with her like borat
i want to fuck him
hes looking in the window to look at her boobs
michael myers is a peeping tom!!!!
What's wrong is the whole entire fucking photo, which What I am saying, is the room. There's a naked chick, two TVs, one bigger than the other, the smaller one is on. someone in window, No way out of the fucking room, because I see a bed, and nothing else. a camloflauge jacket? She's a chick. a white dog starring at her. also about the window, look at it, it's like fucked up.
just sayin thats Obama on the tele
sigh you guys are perverts .... their is a face in the window
rate me up if you would beat her with your meat stick till she bleeds
Hide yo wife. Hide yo kids.
i envy that dog.
this is a sexy video but this kind of girl is so lustful....but she have beautiful body....its delicious..hahahaha
i think she isnt hiding her tits, but her dick!
holy shit . the trash can is under her ass. it makes it look like she's taking a shit.
SHE is Nekkid.
i wish i was tommy
There is a guy masturbating at the window
WAIT!!! that's not the kitchen...
i bet the guy in the window was happy
O la em casa!!!!!!!
hot, check. techie, check. naked, check. sounds like my kind of girl
Negró Pedo :D
If that's the dude from the tub picture, I need to move to this neighborhood.
I shat brix but not for what u think
Shes not in the kitchen....thats the MAIN error there
She's not in the kitchen, cooking food.
She's not in the bed.
Looks like Chris Fhen in the window
Guy in the window. Lol
i can see you boobs can you see me
"HE said he was a dentist, why did i give him a free oral exam ?
winnie the pooh doll goes toy story on her and slams that ass while the dude in the window jerks it
undercover brother
Again with the same guy I wish I was him
black guy outside window waving
all photoshopped... this one looks like a devil too
there is a dick in the bottem right corner
why is it that in this pic and the one with the girls in the bath tub its the same looking peeping tom?i dont get it is someone like ridiculously good at photoshop?
There is someone outside the effing window. Retards.
That's the same one from the girls in the bathtub, and this one looks pretty obviously photoshopped
Did anyone notice Pedobear at the left?
naked woman. peeping tom. FEDERER IS LOSING?
I'm mindfucking her already...
Its always. Black guy stareing at the white bitch in the window ftw
There is a guy at the window...he's black. :P
She has terrible posture. I shat bricks.
love you
she aint in the fucking kitchen makin me up a tasty sammich!
U can c the man in the window, and his fingers. NINJA NIGGA!!
Its not a nigger, its a fucking saskqwatch
Red neck!!!!! ...working television ontop of her non-working television..watch blue collar comedy fools...
Pedobear approves !
Its either her dog or her sexiness
the black dudes calling her a loser
she has 2 televisions
Same face and hand as the bath tub one :x
oh yeah, im mindfucking HER.
Oh my god!! Look at that mess!!
I'm getting sick of the hidden black person trick >:( It stopped being clever when i started looking for it first.
Mindfuck. Fucking her in my mind. Even with that black guy in the win---what?!
The fact that she's not in the kitchen made me shit brix.
i want to fuck him
Spread your legs, and wait for a missile of enjoyment... =P
there is a do....... shit :O black man!!!!!
I see why someones peeping in the window(;
A dog is staring at her.
ah! the same guy from the girls in the bathtub
am a TV over another TV?
Fuck you rapist in the window she's mine!
she has 2 tvs and the small one is on wtf?!?!?!?
i still wonder why some people have never heard of pulling down the shades! she was asking for it... ^^
look at the curtains it looks like hands
winnie the poo, yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!
I see a hand on top of the monitor in the right of the image
No one noticed the palm and face on the window. also more near other window too
i really don't understand whats wrong with that picture i mean there is a perv but what guy doesn't perv on that...
If you noticed you're probably gay.
is that jesus on the telly? he should really stop spying on those black dudes ¬¬
peeping tom
why does every time i see a picture taken by a window at night it seems to be a creeper outside
its the dog!!!! xDDDD
boner on the tv
i realy would like to be that dog there ;o :D Rate if you think so too!
I'd mindfuck her!
Amy Beggs?
She's hiding her tits :P that's what's wrong