Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
Why aren't they playing bingo, housey-housey?
Ginormous spider web in the back.
Yeah...Yao Ming looks EXACTLY like the guy on the left.
The guy in blue has two medical conditions: 1) a 2nd head growing out of his right shoulder, 2) a hand sticking out of the back of his neck.
All four of them are Jackie Chan?
The invisible desk is missing a finger!
Why aren't they doing any of that chop-sockey shit you always see in the movies?
It's a ching-chong Chinaman!
Everybody Wang Chung tonight.
Rice must've shot out of his ass when he farted.
They guy in the yellow shirt is suffering from a terrible case of head lice.
Guy at the back leaning on invisible desk ;D
Why aren't they playing bingo, housey-housey?