Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
A whole new meaning to "THUMBS UP"! ;)
2 guys - 3 cocks!
Is it wrong that : 1) i saw it at once 2) I have the weirdest boner right now 3) i find this picture VERY easy to masturbate to ?
Two and a Half Men
you thought that's a 3some in the beginning? NOPE , Chuck Testa!!!
hmmmm, naughty feminine shemale wearing only her shirt , me gusta!!!
Holy fuck, it's his thumb!
She doesnt have a cock its the first guy's thumb
holy shit, theres a finger in front of that shemale dick
Ewwwww futa
The penis is not the only thing. Look how many hands you see on the guys back to the right.
fap fap fap
Let me touch your glass with my peeeniss.
Her name is venus
omg its feaddy fucking couger
the awkward moment when ur friends thumb makes u look like a tranny
why must we always see penis?!
Hey.. The girl has a.. ohh.. nevermind..
You people are fucking idiots. Its the guys thumb
It;s actually the boys hand... LOL.
All right I give up. Where's the demon?!
Wait.... If it's his thumb, then the girl has no legs, but if it IS a pen0r, then HES holding a wine glass with his cock MYYY BBBBRRRRRAAAAIIIINNNN
LOL dat finger !! It looks like a cock !
It's a penor. The guy sitting down's thumb is holding a drink and it looks like the girl has a dick. I win.
the painting in the background is The Great Wave off Kanagawa btw
A whole new meaning to "THUMBS UP"! ;)