Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
That's...Balls of steel !
"Fat police officers' dicks are the number 1 biggest contribution to global warming" -Al gore
Hey man, You should pull your metalic penis back.
the cop looks like he has a dik from the pipe
policewoman likes it!!
His penis is exhausting....
officer smoky
"Wow... No one commented about the fact that 'Neighborhood' is misspelled...? Retards..." wow...you didnt notice that this photo is from england when neighborhood is spelt neighbourhood...? retard...
neighborhood isn't misspelled, thats how they spell it in england. ex: color is colour there
They have some gay looking hats lol
SUCK MY PUSSY!!!!!!!!!
*mourons *courrectly *ignourant
'puts on sunglasses' seems ligit
*Actual Size*
It is spelled differently because its in the uk assholes.
You're all retards! The language is English so the correct spelling is the spelling in england!
guy on the left has a padlock for a dick
lol idk who he isnt
bigus dikus? i dont think so =/
To the guy correcting the Americans, it's here, not there, there they spell it Colorado and pronounce z wrong, here we just get pedobeat's raids weekly
What morons. Neighbourhood is spelt correctly. That's right, so is "spelt". Stupid ignorant Americans.
England is not the whole of Britain. *Britain spells it like that you spazzes.
You guys seriously..... Look at the "man" on the right. It's a kid whos like 5 years old.
why is it everyone is noticing the muffler dick and not the va jay jay hole on the woman? LMFAO
Lol, i live in hampshie and i have never seen that xD
Vote up if you went to the link!
forgott my finger in you ass
Its Holloweeny!!
That's...Balls of steel !