Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
clearly he missed the bus.
Gay Line bus!
i lol'd for a minute then i saw the skull face thing on the bus... then i pooped my pants a lil ):
No it's darthfather in front of bus :D
young howard stern
meanwhile in Germany...
he isnt german O.o is he?
We all know the truth BEHIND THIS GUY!!!!! if u know wut i mean
it says gay line on the bus
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Bitches....spring break......
hey dude u missed your bus
I didn't shit brix but the guy on the left is reaaaallllly hot
Anyone else seeing a creepy face wearing a hat in the first window? I am...
We all know the truth BEHIND THIS GUY!!!!! if u know wut i mean
only here does it get gayer by every line.
is there a name for the costumes they are wearing????
i saw a dart vader on the right of the bus o_o
i think he just got off the bus if you know what i mean..
if u luk reely closely ..ull c 2 virgins
bonner gaylines and grim reaper
Gay Line bus! Hell yea these guys are excited.
The guy on the left is hot<3 #IM GAY
the gay German was probably waiting for that bus
Darth vader in the bus window on the FARR right..
on top of the NE frome line it says dis o!!
Someone call 911 my bus has been hi-jacked
the buss says gay line and he is deff gay
He's holding a cup that looks like part of the tree in his hand..
is that paint in his hand
am i the only one who noticed that on the right windows of the bus you can see the devils face?
hmmm... GAYYYYYY!!!
i don't know what is the topick
He'll suck a dick for change!!!
i think hes meant to be on that bus :D
Gayline bus... Also is the dude giving someone the middle finger?
omg lederhosen
the text on the bus says GAYLINE!!
yoda leehee yoda leehee jew
theres a dick on the tree
umm the BUS was blocked by him? -.-
Is that King Kong's reflection in the bus? xD
gay line!
There is a face in the far right window of the bus
I see a gurilla on the right side of the bus.
Our respected driver
That bus is about to flip
a fuckin' guy showing how dumb he is....
Just got dropped off... like my salmon hat band? It's totally fashion forward.
uh andy samburg
hmm there's a gorilla in the bus...
Oh it's nothing just a ret- HOLY SHIT!!! KILL IT!!! KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!
We all know the truth BEHIND THIS GUY!!!!! if u know wut i mean
I think it's the gay line logo on the bus and the face on the window to the right.
We all know the truth BEHIND THIS GUY !!!!!!!!!! IF U KNOW WHAT I MEAN ;)
I have to get to San Fransisco FAST!!!
Napoleon Dynamite's Brother.
King Kong is in the bus...
the bus is missing a finger
am i the only person who's noticed the guy's boner?
the dick in the black jeans
If he wasn't that stupid he could be hot <3
I am gonna ride on the Gayline Bus :D Remember, people with goatses get to sit in the front!!! :D
a fuckin' guy showing how dumb he is....
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esta na janela olhe bem
We all know the truth BEHIND THIS GUY!!!!! if u know wut i mean
Gay lingo.. with O as his head.. hahaha..
Napoleon dynamite!
Does anybody see the skull wearing a fedora in the front windows of the bus?
We all know the truth BEHIND THIS GUY!!!!! if u know wut i mean
I think I know him....
we all know the truth BEHIND THIS GUY!!!! if u know wut i mean ;)
GAY LINE.. houston brix have been SHAT.
Are you trying to tell me something?
i see something else at the first window in the right part of the bus i wish you happy nightmares
He's holding a cup that looks like part of the tree in his hand..
its Ghost from MW2 at the right side of da mirror!
Are you retards? The bus says gayline -.-
Welcome To Gayline Bus LOL
He Missed The Gay Line Bus...
G..ay line!!!!
I believe you missed your bus.
Skeletal DarthVador On Last WIndow Of Bus.
looks like King-Kong reflection at top end of the bus?
Welcome To Our Special GAYLINE Bus! Enjoy Your Trip LAWL
Mclovin missed the bus!
gay line ahah
The skull face thing (located at the end near driver) has a head to big, cos the whole head is tha size of its body. Oh, and that nerd is gay.
hes missing a penor
there's a skull in the right side window of the the bus
Andy Samberg?
I thought it said Gayling. Like he's a juvenile gay.
they made a bus for justin bieber
We all know the truth BEHIND THIS GUY!!!!! if u know wut i mean
Someone call the skull children over from the child timeline!
Swear I read: "GAYLING" ....
dont u see the penis at the tree?
He's holding part of the tree.
Young Andy Sandburg.
GAYLINE, skull on the bus, penis on the tree :D I like the skull most!
Gay In
afe anda
It's a clown on the bus !!!! :D
clearly he missed the bus.