Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
1.guy in the back doing vulcan salute TWICE! 2. One paid hooker in the front which is definitely the hottest person 3. everybody's a virgin (except hooker from point 2) 4. every second person looks like McLovin 5. they're playing crazy dance games 6. wannabe-ryu wants to facepalm black haired girl without tits
virgin partayyyy
The nerd in the back. His arms are freakishly long.
I see the guy near the middle looks liek some druggie singer, the girl holding the DDR game is pregnant. The guy with the black hoodie is plain our creepy andthe one in the back by the preggy girl and the guy behind her looks liek a he she ^^ thats all I got
The guy above the girl with black short hair and glasses, has mad elve ears
The eyes that look down upon the mortals.
guy with the yellow jacket is missing a head. LOL
the guy in red on the far right has creepy eyes...
eyes top left
Wheres waldo??!!
Random hand in the middle??? On shoulder of nerdy dude with glasses, orange shirt under gray sweater black coat.
wow, what a bunch of winners!!
am I the only one who sees that the girl at the rightmost part is pregnant?? she's covering it with the board game................... and I guess the guy in red is the dad?? haha
the vfl club
1.guy in the back doing vulcan salute TWICE! 2. One paid hooker in the front which is definitely the hottest person 3. everybody's a virgin (except hooker from point 2) 4. every second person looks like McLovin 5. they're playing crazy dance games 6. wannabe-ryu wants to facepalm black haired girl without tits