Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
Who stares the "SeX Animals"??? The COCK!!! :D
Also, inside the helicopter ( whose tail rotor makes the X for the "sex animals" ) , the pilot is "holding the stick" , hmmmmmm...
surprise animals sex
"SeX Animals"
You're all so silly, she's obviously got a missing finger and there's a hidden ghost of a black guy in the corner.
The boombox has a smiley face! DUH!
i'd like to lick a lemon lollypop in lillyhammer.
sex animals, cameltoe, and giant killer spider on her wrist
ZOMG, that new captcha is impossible to solve!!!
It says Super Why when the show is not called that, a forgot what it was called though.... if you look up super why this show wont come up
Sex animals....
Wait, where's the nigger?
she looks like she has molested a few animals in her day
sex animals...
grow up people...even the name of the shows wrong
Instant boner
George Woodward fucks animals lmao
Missing finger on the Cock..
I'm more entertained by the shows name "Super WHY".
Pinguin licking her back.
Omg! If you look closely at this comment *come on look closely, bring your face over here*.. Now closer.. Now closer.. You'll realise that youjust wasted your time looking closely. Fyi lol sex animals. And at the bottom left it says "came" sex animals came. Now... Time to search for the black man..
this will be a good episode.
The helicopter is missing a finger.
i think the bird is one of many SeXy Animals
Dirty pilot fapping... you shit!
Who stares the "SeX Animals"??? The COCK!!! :D