Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
Oh, isn't that nice. It's a sex school.
A wild acronym appeared. Acronym used FUCK YOU. it is extremely effective.
FFFFriendship UUUnderstanding CCCommunity KKKindness - YYYouth OOOptimism UUUnity
You just know he pronounces the school's name "Car-rire"
Carlisle school when they realize it : FFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUU
I feel like he intended to do that. BTW the captcha says "for sure"
a dick on his face
I keep getting this yellow fuck ever 5 times i click!!!
Did I just read F.U.C.K. Y.O.U. Carlisle High School ?
Isn't that nice. It's a sex school.
What about the caption to the left? "I rise...24:16" Ooooooo. Creepy right? Perhaps Proverbs 24:16. OOOOOOHHHHH!!!!!
Well done Daniel Wang!
Oh, isn't that nice. It's a sex school.