Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
Bring me my order right now or i will slap your balls!!!
look at DEE'Z NUTS HA GOTT'EM ! !
good job on not dropping the plates of food
*Pedobear likes this
Forget the food, and mister ball slapper over their. Id fuck the shit out of that girl.
I thought you said you were all out of sausage.
Id fuk her
I don't care for the burgers you carry, i have other delicacies you carry in my mind :P
Daddy! I samt that cheese balls!
Where my Dragonballs!!!?
Derrrrp....PEDOBEAR! Garsh, Meemaw and my sister-daughter both think I'm a SOO funny to use a word that has never ever EVER been used before on the interwebz! YEEhaw!
Nom! Meatballs!
FUCK i just dropped my napkin
What a lovely woman that is! I'd be honored to have her in bed.
Bring me my order right now or i will slap your balls!!!