Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
horrible shoe taste for both of them , hope the little kid between them wears some decent sneakers...
i spy with my little eye an intruder between them! :D
Very original , you will never guess it , nothing similar has ever been posted in this site, it's a hidden black kid between them!!!
He could just have a deformed elbow...
there's a black guy
there's nothing to shit!
What's the black dude doin wiv that chick
The black guy has a bigger pusre the his bicth
what about the inflatable doll being carried over the black guys right shoulder
I found the black guy!
OMG I FOUND IT !!! There is a hidden black guy beside the kid !!
She is a slag
I don't see the black kid that's supposedly between them. All I see is the black man's elbow.
interracial couple!
Does anyone know of any similar sites to this?
Black kid between them! Look in the middle yes even you can do it
Holy shit! An interracial couple!
theres vagina on the floor
Awww, how cure , he looks just like his dad! :D
Did anyone else shit Brix after they realized a black man at a tennis match?
kid: I'm on shit YESSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
have you find the fucking people in the background? not Waldo!
Everyone looked for the "invisible" black kid and found him. But WTF is up with the woman with the dog on her head in the background?
Gary Coleman?
one black boy in the middle of them
Extra black hand... that's awful.
He's wearing some faggy women's sandals
They BOTH have purses!
kid between parents
Blacks and white intermingling. EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.
Word to the blinds: For anyone who cares why this was really uploaded, look over his left shoulder and check out the leaning red demon alien man.
At first I thought its finally a black guy I can see. NOPE, now its a black kid!
The black guy isn't hidden!!!! :D Oh wait.....
Anal beads around her neck!
OMG it's Blackie Chan, the negro ninja!
projectile vomit...behind and to the left.
It's a black guy with a white woman!
Coalburning is an epidemic
Except that crappy photoshop, nothing's wrong in that picture. It's just Herby Moreau and Line Beauchamp at Roger's Cup. Source: Random Quebecer
if you look very closely... you have to stare at a special spot on the pic, (try to change the viewing) eventually, and with long concentration you'll see the black guy .... WTF HE'S NOT HIDDEN???!!!!1111 one eleven
I do not see anything unnatural wait wtf black guy!!!
A black man touching a not black woman...RAPE!!!
That's not his arrmmmmm.....
With the bright lighting, I reckon it would have worked better the other way around. The son and father hugging and the hidden white face between them. White cement, she probably would have blended right in xD
Lotta stairs for a one legged woman
I DON'T SEE A SHIT !!!!!!!!!!! WHERE IS IT ?
omg, kill it all with fire.
If you look VERY VERY CLOSELY- You'll see your reflection or bump into the monitor. Yay useful comenting!
Is this my new mommy?
Black kid alert!
Their is a guy projectile vomiting, he is in the top left side of the screen!
Me: Huh, for once, the black guy isn't hid-- well fuck.
Just ignore the riot int the back...
i just like pissing off the guy who wants the answer
Where the FUCK is the nigglet?!?! I don't see shit besides a black guy at a, OH MY FUCK!!!!!!!! Black guy at tennis match! Black guy at tennis match! It's the end of the world!!!!
WE need some pics on here of white people, or light-skinned people, hiding in the pictures! Please send them in!
horrible shoe taste for both of them , hope the little kid between them wears some decent sneakers...