Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
OMNOMNOM in 3....2....1....
MARCO?! ? !
Thumb up to the penguin post, for using the word 'malevolently' !!! Not to mention that the penguin is creepier than the alligator. Cheers kind sire, trololol
Ohhh...NOW I see it: the contaminated water has created a gigantic, mutant penguin malevolently treading water underneath the sidewalk as it stares at the camera.
You didn't notice at once... but then you did... you saw the alligator later... yes, yes, it is "see you later alligator" time again, trololololol
MALAKAS, eat him!!!!
There's a face below the dock over the crocodile
3 faces under the dock, funky penguin face in the water, alligator and OH MY a Zebra in the bush behind the car.
That alligator likes... ginger-bread !!!
there is a face under the dick
Jeff: hmmmm... Where'd Bill go? Ted: He went swimming. Jeff: Where? Ted: In that lake there Jeff: But there are crocodiles in that lake.....
Screw the alligator, someone is stealing his audi.
I can point out 1 person who's about to miss a finger
no risk, no fun
What do you call a blonde guy casually floating in a bayou pond? Fucked.
And that was the last time we saw Paul...
The guy in the grey shirt, he's wearing socks and sandles.
That gator's about to eat a carrot.
I can point out 1 person who's about to shit brix
the alligator is missing a finger
I'm not saying you're fucked, but... You're fucked
He would die in suffering pain from the polluted water, the beast will do him a favor and finish him fast!
Soul-Sucking Ginger Meets Karma
algater stupid
"See you later alligator" again , trololol
Shitbrix posters always attack combined: penors, hidden black men, missing fingers, extra hands... and now, new entry, 2 alligator posters in a raw... :D
Deborah amos gives blowjobs for a fiver
wait ! stay there so I can get a better picture
Surprise butt sex!!
Lol fuck the alligator, there's a face under the dock
Your fault dude. Not only are you gonna die from pollution then finished off by the gator, but ummm........................................................... Yeah you're fucked. LOL I'm so dark
HOLY SHIT, there's a ginger with a tan!
No good can come of swimming in raw sewage, and this proves it.
I shat bricks.
this one was too easy I WANT A CHALLENGE DAMMIT
its fake
OMNOMNOM in 3....2....1....