Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
It is a hidden black guy, what were the chances? :D
"Hurrrrrr, durrrr, I upvoted myself 15 times to say what an asshole that guy that upvotes himself is! I can count to potato too!"
that's background LoL
That fucking nigger is trying to steal that alligator that belongs to those white kids.
The funny thing is, I didn't notice the black guy behind them until I looked at the comments...
I think that i can see the black guy and 2 faces D:
i was like "ok i see the gator WHERE THE FUCK IS THE BLACK GUY! then i saw the top comment and then i looked and saw the hands on each side of the people and i looked and saw the hidden black face and i almost screamed in the the middle of social studies
samuel l jackson is there trying to rape the crocodile right behind the kids
HE HAS 3 LEGS!!!!!! Wait never mind it's just a black guy.....
Black nigga
The real shitbrix here is the kid who keeps on saying "trololol, you mad?" desperate to like his own comments. Seems like he hasn't dropped his balls yet to maturity.
the kid on the left knows that he is getting fucked tonight
this is racist, woow
The kids look terrified...but not of the gator.
alligator has 2 legs instead of 4
Beware! The Three-legged kid is after you! :)
Watch out kids he's going to steal your gator!
SEE.YOU.LATER.ALLIGATOR. troolololololololololololol :D :D :D
Penis leg!
"See you later alligator" youmadbro? trololol
"Derp...I'm a dumbass loser who keeps thumbing himself so that his own lame ass "see you later alligator" comment comes out on top! That's my claim to fame--being number 1 on shitbrix! Derp Derp!" (Oh how I wish this alligator would eat the morons who do thumb themselves on this site).
"nice kitty", said the kids from the blind camp.
what a ninja..???
Look at the mans hat and then right
Kids didn't use a condom while raping the alligator!
That thar's an alligator, yup yup
kid has a rat on his shoulder... boy with three arms.... oh shit that's the reverse oreo
That little kid is sitting on a black guy. The child next to hi is the only one who realized the boner the black guy has!!!!!!! llolololl
It's great to see Manute Bol working again.
Nathan Shelley sucks little boys dicks
Steve Irwin's 3rd world kid
Feed it a Banana, and he'll go away.
I noticed the hand straight away am I smart?
Black guyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!! Hurry up, run motherfuckers!!!
umm correct me if im wrong but i thing there is a shit ton of things wrong with that alligator's straight cock... i mean tail.... uhhh this is akward
Somewhere, Steve Irwin is smiling.
There's an extra hand!! Lol
The alligator is missing a finger.
What happens next on the Animal Channel? "I saw an alligator being raped in the ass by two children, they got eaten afterwards."
Pedo gator
It is a hidden black guy, what were the chances? :D