Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
The headline is "Sex Slaves in the Suburbs", and the girl has "HO" written on her left breast.
I don't see anything un- OH FUCK! KILL IT!! KILL IT WITH FIRE!!
if you look close, you'll see a girl
Ivy growing out of the middle corner of the house.
The sex slaves are still in the suburbs for another 46 minutes, so hurry up.
She's beautiful. I don't care if she is a ho.
Being a sex slave is NOT normal!!!
i whis this girl was my sexslave..
She is batman?
She is hot.
nice boobies.. ;)
There is a girl in the tree behind her...F
Silly Gohan, ho's arent sex slaves, sex slaves are ho's. silly Gohan
IT's drawed "HO" In her rack,lol
I actually watched this show...this girl was kidnapped and raped at the age of 15? if i recall...yea this is hilarious..smh
I'd like to see an UN normal sexslave!
This service have home delivery?
hi HO hi HO, its off to work we go! (AS A SEX SLAVE LOL)
YOU ARE ALL IGNORANT!! you are always on SEX LOOK CLOSELY at the TIME!! its 9:14 pm.. but look at the girl.. some sun rays on the RIGHT..
Who the hell watches TV at nine in the evening on a Sunday? Jesus...
She's not in the kitchen!
She is a sex slave in the suburb probably because her shirt says "HO"
sex slaves from 9 to 10... and the time is 9:14
Jail Bait!!..But...if...she`s a slave anyways...
"We Sell Sex Slaves"
there is a face under the word "normal",where the square finishes
pedobear hiding behind the house
ho ho ho ho ho ho ho
I don't see anything unnormal...
Sexy girl and good boob ! ! hmmmmmm
Bottom right, there's a face.
MSNBC . MSN = Messenger . Windows Live ...
sa suso nya my HO un lang b yun XD ......
There's a face on the bottom right
this comment will randomly get a lot of thumbs up :)
i figured it out SHES UGLY BUMBUMBUM
There's a ... Horsehead on the left window of the house? Billions of bues blistering barnacles...
there is a face under the word "normal", where the square finishes in the right part
Yeah, she's a HO.
that is actually my friends sister she got kidnapped and taken to texas where she was going to be sold as a sex slave so its not really that funny
She is missing a finger?
er....guys the tree looks like scream
told on yourself.... I'd still fuck
bottom right corner...
Oh dear... She's horribly disfigured.
the girl is missing a finger
there's a face in the lower right hand corner...
There's a face in the house window.
If you look close, the girl has a zit on her nose
Hell, i'd still hit it.
Shes Wering a Hollister Shirt! =D
Right boob says 'ho' and down in the bottom right corner... There is... Something?
shes missing a finger
Sign up now, get a free t-shirt.
There's something on the bottom right corner of he screen.
Face in the window :P
it says sex slaves at the top and her shirt says ho. LOL
On her Tops it Says HO in big letters.
let me guess, there is a black man hiding in her vagina?
Little Head on the right.
she has a pickle on her nose!!
missing a tooth
if you put your face really close to the picture, you'll hit the screen
she's obviously missing a finger
the time is 9:14pm, means its night time already, but the girl is in daytime ..
haahahah dumb slut
i saw this one day...its sadd.
sex slaves in the suburbs, "normal"
is it "HO" on her shirt?
the channel is MSNBC
tiny baby head bottom right ...
OMG.. !! Face in the mirror... !!
there's a negro in the back ground.
Her boob is missing a finger.
Bad neighborhood tay have right there
Stop doing that stupid "kill it with fire" thing its retarted
what means "HO"
I would do stuff all over her face
Better go to the brick store now.
Can't focus, too pretty.
rofl that tree is missing fingers.
That HO is missing a finger.
I'd give her a shot of vitamins and then fuck the shit out of her
...nice rack
Brix were shat at the bottom right corner.
She looks just like Kirsten Stuwart!
Bottom right corner…is that a face?
lower right
Ok it's obviously a holster shirt.....
Quagmires in the bottem right of the screen.
who the hell started saying that is missing a finger it was never funny
She has some big tits I don't care if she's a hoe she can be my sex slave (coz her tits)
1. another slave at bottom right, 2. did anyone notice Duel Mode?
Hey that looks like my uncles house, no wait it is!!!!!!!!!
right side under the bursts.
I want to know why this show goes for an hour.. anyone else?
the headlines are gettin out of the fuckin image, there's a strange log on the left side of the house and a strange logo on the botton, and the clock is showing 9:14 pm it should be night as long as she wasn't in alaska, did i forget something?
you see it on she's left boob write HOLY SHIT!!!!! black guy in a left!!
ill enjoy being her sex slave!
wish she was my sex slave! all i got is some red head girl...
The ho is missing a finger. XD
She's HOt
f---- sake it said that sex slave in suburb ten it said in bold writing NORMAL !!!
dual mode haha
Time = 9:14 PM And It's Still Bright
ew im going to make this site shut down!
You'll never see a black guy in the suburbs.
Dual Mode on a suburban sex slave
DUAL MODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did anyone else notice that the clock says that its 9:14 pm... that's pretty fucking bright for 9:14 at night
if you look closely!! you can see her tooth like a rabbit.
"sex slaves?" and "ho" indeed! lol
I wana lick her sweaty arse
"Dual mode"? What was on the other? Porn labeled as something innocent? Captcha was turn the tables :P
NORMAL (top left corner) "Sex slaves in the suburbs"
1. Her shirt says "HO" 2. If you look to the left of the tree there is a creepy face.
"Sex Slaves in The Subarbs" "Normal" Not Breaking News? Where is this town exactly?
remember its normal
You all are fools!! LOOK AT THE TREE!
it says that there are sex slaves from 9pm - 10pm
heres another thing..the book can also be a hat
Sex slaves have uniforms?!?!
Her shirt says ho and its a show about sex slaves.
The headline is "Sex Slaves in the Suburbs", and the girl has "HO" written on her left breast.