Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
He was deployed for 12 months, but believe it or not they do get to go home for a few days... it's called Rest and Recuperation leave (aka R&R). This picture is dumb and misleading.
Dad gone = 12 months Time it takes for child to be born = 9 months :P
Maybe it's his daughter. Like, welcome home dad.
momma got busy xD
that boy prob isn't his either
Im glad we can go overseas to protect you assholes so you can sit at home and insult our families. Read any of the "Midtour" or "Leave" posts, if you dont know what either of those are then you yourselves are fails.
isn't it possible that's just his daughter...?
The fetus is missing a finger.
ever consider that the preggers chick isnt the little boys madre?
i was gonna say the purse looks like a vagina but ok...
Im N the army & when on deployments we get wats call'D R&R (pretty much time off from deployment)
the mum looks like she's going to punch the kid in the back of the head
It might not be his mom... Maybe the woman behind him is his mother
The turkey in the package looks like a vagina.
Somebodays punching the kid :O xD
Yes, your glad you can frag civilians, at least we have grenade machine-guns and invented the Harrier jet, we also use precision, and piss into tubes(hence the precision)
I think she is being robbed look at her bag
did anybody realize it says 'welcone home'
whats up with the kid's gay ass sweater?
shes just fat
The kid will miss a finger soon.
It's missing a finger, fuck the guy on the last page
Oh Snap! Her purse is getting snatched on the right site of the belly ..
what about the chick holding the pink bag with 5 digits on her hand not counting the thumb
Haha the woman on the right took that pregnant mom's wallet :D
Mommies Prego!!
stomach is missing a finger
Look, there's a woman in this picture! Quick, let's all make comments about how we're going to defile her, since we clearly can't get any IRL and are all 13-year-old douchebags with small dicks.
the dad is gunna be like, "Son... im proud of you! you knocked up a hoe 5 times your age!!!"
I am really the only one who sees she doesn't have a belly button?
i think someone in stealing her wallet......
Actually, you're all wrong. She's pregnant and is SMOKING!!! That's why that little kid is f*cked up. Duh
read the caption below till you hit ...in Iraq
Luuuuucy!! You have some 'splaining to dooooo!!
it onl takes
either she is fat or her husband got cheated on :D
Boys being punched in the back of the head guise.
There's a vagina next to her arm!
wait wait wait, you mean to say that nobody's noticed that her wallet is out of her purse siting next to a black woman?
it's the wife showing the father she's pregnant, people.
he was on leave, this is misleading without the article. though i suppose if you take it in context of only seeing the above picture, it could qualify... on a side note, my captcha said "whoops it"
Lady in pink pants=camel toe
welcome hO
ok maybe the one behind the boy is the mom and the prego one is the sister of the boy
there is no woman without going crazy after 3 month without having sex. its true!
yeah he might have been gone for 12 months but u get a coulpe days to come home and see ur family i waould know my daddy is in the military
theres a secret black guy behind the kid.
guys, women can still get pregnant without having sex every time. Think a little.
Maybe his dad is a whale. ~Krayor~
peedo monkey in her bag
She's pulling his ear.
They are stealing her fucking purse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we get it. R&R. it's just a funny occurence
ha ha ha you are dumb and miss leading!!! don't you see that the girl is pregnant and he has not been home for a year
omg! 12 months! so the child in her belly presumably owns the neighbor or the milkman...
When you dress like that of course you're going to get pregnant..
Actually, it looks like the mother is stabbing the son in the head with a knife and he's reacting pretty bad? AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO SEE'S THIS???
woman in pink pants behind the pregnant woman is stealing something out of the pregnant woman's purse.
You realize they get a few weeks home, right? Especially if he is non-combatant.
Don't you all see the mom is pulling the kid's ear to make him wave?
shes missing a belly button?! and howcome shes pregnant if her husband hasnt been home oh i no i guess her fucking son fucked her!
Peedo monkey in her bag!!!!
Obviously, she has an affair with other man. Duhh?!
That kid is also around 2-3 years old.
the girl is punching the kid
Mommy had to work late one time, working one her new project..
retards it talks about obama and the pregnat woman has welcome home daddy written on her
I DONT GET IT!!!!!!!!! :'(
Guys. That pink shirt to the left of the pregnant woman. Looks like a gaping snizz, yes?
Bitches who date soldiers are often sluts anyway.
Obvious much? the kid in the front is getting punched in the back of the head
welcome home daddy........his daughter is having his grandchild......idiots
look at the bag...looks like a vagina
Shes a hoe because the dad left and she got pregnant
Dad is getting busy in Iraq too, as troops withdraw in the towns and cities.
Not only does she have an affair, she is not using a condom, and care so little that she wont abort the kid before i come home. Wow i would have felt loved...
When Johnny come's marching home again...... he'll shit brix
He could of sent a vile of cum?
some person in this person is missing a finger... its true... look to the left.. the person holding the pink purse o_o
Y'know, I'mma Marine, and I think I may have ACTUALLY seen the real thing in this. Look at the pic, then read the caption below.
lol Prego for 12 months? I think not.
omgz the preggers lady is holding the little boys ear n he is screaming n cryin for help!!!!!!!!!!
THE MOM IS GRABBING THE KIDS EAR! The kid is calling "child abuse".
her wallet is being stolen -.-" xD
He was deployed for 12 months, but believe it or not they do get to go home for a few days... it's called Rest and Recuperation leave (aka R&R). This picture is dumb and misleading.