Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
ahhhhh ok i'm just going to unzip and go right here at the party i'm having a good time don't want to leave conversation for this.
It's a penis! Only smaller!
Man my shoes feel wet all of a sud......DAMN IT JIMMY!!!!
All I see is a guy masturbating. No wait, that's my reflection in the monitor...
When you gotta go. You gotta go.
guy in brown is reaching for a gun to shoot the public pisser
guy peeing in the back
the guy with the penis is missing 4 fingers
Conversation reads thus; "I piss on your pink jacket!"
funny LOL. kinda looks like he has 3 hands? is it his hand holding his willy?
Dude! Seriously, you went five mins ago!
I was like "Just two girls taking a pic- What the fuck?! why is he pissing in a public area with ppl?"
Thank goodness the black guy is not here...
OMG! He's peeing!
yay! peeing in public!
eww a guys whizzing in the backround
Owen Wilson Wedding Crasher
The guy with the sunglasses in the back enjoys his view
He is taking the piss, literally!
The man's going wee wee. :D
Rock out with your cock out. HEY! THATS MY FOOT!!
The sad thing is, this isn't a photoshop......
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the guy peeing in the background has no fingers
thats hot
and everyone's just standing there like nothing's going on lol
bahaha brix was shat lol
1. there's a guy peeing 2. OMG!! I KNOW THE LADY ON THE RIGHT. SHE'S MY MOM'S FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jingle Bells... ;-)
hahaha the guy that looks like hes high! hes taking a piss! :)
you know your comfortable at a party when you take out your dick and start pissing
cant see it
ok... whats going on in this picture? Those girls have really nice smiles! thats co-ld man... infront of the camera???
who cares about tthe guy pissin. I'm lookin at the two hot chicks instead ya fags.
i shat hardcore
theres noth... dude, really?
dude.....is he actually doing that?? Is this real?? IS MY LIFE A LIE?!?!? TELL ME!?!?! btw...that guy has a small Wanger Yo XD
I bet they posed for a pic just so they could get that guy's ding dong in the shot. I mean come on...you can tell by the smirk on the left lady's face XD
guy behind him looking a it
Haha, this one's good :D
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Photobombing at it's best.
BLLAAAARGGGH!!! I throwed up. :(
This is for marry u bitch.
sometimes. u know. things happening.
theres a face in the girls sunglasses!
yung tt mo nakalitaw
She's missing a finger
I think I got away with it...
man holding a mic has a missing finger!
ahhhhh ok i'm just going to unzip and go right here at the party i'm having a good time don't want to leave conversation for this.