Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
He's saluting wrong.
It's the dork's mom in the window
Its not a mirror or a window, its a door and theres a guy looking in
what a ner- ahhhhhh! look out your mom is watching you getting ready to fuck your boyfriend! butt pirates AHOYYY!
well, salute to u to you to- HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!!! im gonna need new underwear...
well everithing looks normal he's just saluting and --- OH MY GAWD SWEET MOMMA OF JESUS HE'S A FAGGOT... OOOH HE'S ONE OF THEM FAGGOTS
theres a face printed behind his t-shrt
if you look closely, the mirror has white stains on it, probably from..
He's missing a petuitary gland
all of you are fucktards.. it looks like he gettin head!!! dumbass.. you would think a guy could have figured that out... LOSERS!!
In the mirror it looks like he saluts with his left arm but he does it with his right arm
theres a dog sucking his dick
Scariest kid screaming through glass door evar! Well not really, but, yaknow. -Markus
Yo momma! ( is a patriot )
his arm is his right the one in the mirror is his left?
oh shit
In fact the reflection shows him saluting with his left hand while he is saluting with his right ^^
he is fou
twin brothers, not a mirror, wrong arm saluting, bricks have been shat :)
the dude on the back of the shirt is john lennon and he is holding a gun to it
hahahaha thats is funny as shit! i would have shit brix!?!?!
He's GAY
It's Evo Morales!!!...
It took me forever to see the face. I was trying to figure out what he was doing with his left hand. --Snyarhedir
what person in the mirror??
windowman saz: come to the dark site of gay-pirate-lagoon!
-.- ... he photo-shopped his arm, he missed the mirror DERP...
if you look closely, youll see a white nerd
Mybe i could be hes horny mom, or a clown in the top of the window :)!
Of course the mirror is saluting with left hand. Its the mirror effect you dickheads.
HOLY SHIT, THE HIDDEN DUDE ISN'T BLACK....that is fucked up.....FUCKED UP!!!!
its a defferend hand :D
I have that shirt!
Is that a Muslim?
hes in love with "that man in the mirror"
tiger head in the mirror top richt
saluting his ass in the mirror
He is saluting with his right hand, but in the mirror its his left.
lb in closet n oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
u guys are clueless... i think i see on his other hand... right next to it in the mirror is a face.
i see what you did thar...
thats the back of his t-shirt...
a face in the door
Hidden face!
dick on shirt
The guy saluting in the forefront of the picture is the same guy outside the window smiling.
Why is the person in the reflection white??
HAHHHAHAH jusin beiber is in the mirror XDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Oh wow... He's nerdy enough even Harry Potter is making fun of him in the mirror.
look at the mirror! over the guy's shirt..
anakin skywalker
learn how to salute
OK, I finally see it!! It is a GLASS door behind him and NOT a mirror. In the reflection of his black shirt there is a woman looking through and laughing at him.
OMFG! He has two right hands!!!! D:
The emperor wants in
there's majora's mask on his tee shirt
no your all wrong there's a person smiling at his back at the mirror
hes a stupid ass first of all he cnt salute in doors plus hes doing it wrong the thumb shuld be invisible and his hand shuld be directly beside his eye brow. also he shuld be at attention not parade rest cuz parade rest is actually the proper way to salute indoors. what a fuck tard CAPTCHA lunatic drafts
In the picture he's saluting with the right hand, in the reflection he's saluting with the left hand. Tardass ghost attempt in mirror.
theres a face in the morror
Actually one DOES salute indoors. For example when called in to your C.O.'s office you stop in front of his/her desk you would salute & say "Sgt Miller reporting as ordered" then hold the salute until the officer returns it.
why the hell did he lock his mom on the balcony?
there is a penis in the mirror
I don't see no... wtf IMA FIRIN MAH LAZOR
well first of all you fucking dipshits, if youre using your right arm, your reflection is SUPPOSED to be using the opposite one... and also, just because hes saluting wrong doesnt mean h--- OH DEAR GOD!!! DEYS A FACE IN THE REFLECTIVE DOOR! RUN BITCH RUN! YOU GON DIE! YOU GON DIE!!!!
way to completely fuck up the salute, arm parallel to the ground, hand tilted forward signifigantly, fingertip at the rim of his glasses. thats how it should be done.
Guys, it's a freaking screen door, not a mirror?:L
FAIL "Saluting with the right arm normally, saluting with the left in the mirror." That's how mirrors work genius.
there is sum1 behind him... peeking...
Theres another face/creepy person in the mirror
the guy in the window should be black....
the face in the window looks likes it's getting choked
its jack black on the door
mirror effecrt my ass moron, take a look again, saluting with right in the picture, and i am sure even a mental midget can figure out that in the mirror it's his left. dickheads should realize they are looking from the rear
wow thats weird guy looking through glass door
wat does his teacher say?
It's his mom shitting a brick on the front porch.
no your all wrong there's a person smiling at his back at the mirror
Now young Skywalker... You will die!
You don't salute indoors.
what's bobby lee doing on his shirt and why is he hitting him??
He's saluting wrong.