Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
Always missing a finger...
The asian kid in the back is thinking Arbys.
missing finge... oh my god she really misses a finger!
Okay, you guys can all say it now...she really is missing a finger.
Shes not in the kitchen >=(
id still fuck her
DAMN YOU 4-FINGERED WOMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! p.s. my captchca was oh yes
that guys an angel hhhhhhaaaaaleeeeeluuuuuuyyyyyaaaaa
it is a walkman add and in the bottom left has a ipod touch or iphone on a dock in the bottom right corner
hmpf, another missing finger =| it's begiing to be borying
OMG!!!!!! Asian guy in the back!!!! Its stunning
These is angelina jolie behind the girl
She's not in the kitchen?
the dude that saw the skull face is still trippin from two pictures ago
Her walkman is missing a finger!
the title say walkman and theres an ipod. Fucking apple
She´s got invisalign braces.
Lol! Just saw the finger after I read the comments! First I saw an abnormal amount of arm pit hair!
oh my god she really misses a finger!
that's cause I lost it in nam!
theres a mouse on her shirt and its going for home base.
there is also iPod
the girl has to many fingers on right hand and teh asian has a pen0r :)
WTF Iphone?
Her fingers, and there's a GPS... which isn't audio/video... XD dude her fingers
Jackie Chan! lol three fingers.
4 fingers
the first picture that someone is not missing a fing... ho shit!
Watch her music video she has all five fingers
shes hot
i think it must be that asian guy in the background
for once they actually are missing a finger...
geeez ANOTHER person missing a finger??
Ryan Higa!!! Thumbs up if u agree!
iPhone in Sony ads
no the c or what ever is humping the other c lololol
The thing on the dock is a Sony MP3 player dumb shit. I have one just like it!
dumbasses.. theres an ipod in the bottom lower right corner.
Dat ass......
The asian dude is checkin out her ass
Nothing wrong, she's just ugly. Wait her finger really is missing... Dammit.
Omg an asian guy in the back
you might see alot of this in commercials, its a commercial trick. they will make something wrong about the pic, so that the reader watches the pic, notices something is wrong, then remembers the brandname of the commercial
Watch her music video....she has all five fingers
sony walkman ad with an ipod? XD
The woman in the left looks like Angelina Jolie ? :|
There's an Asian...withOUT a camera!
angelina jolie has a poorly drawn dick on the bottom right!
lol ne body else think that the light streak above the dude looks like it says gay XD
Sony ad with iphone huh? 16 black nija women whoes are missing a finger are hidden on this pic :)
Missing finger, right hand. iPhone bmtton right. Girl on the right looks like Angelina Jolie
she went 2 hard in bed and lost a finger lol
wtf nigahiga in the back???
10 or 9 fingers she's still hot.
She is missing a black man!
iphone on the bottom right coner
"I'm thinking Arbys"
Ipod at the bottom. Apple, not walkman.
tss. corny.
That guy is totally checking out her ass.
Missing finger! For real... And there's an iPod on an iHome speaker in the bottom right corner, while it advertises Walkman. And it says "like no other" underneath...
Just handjob.
no finger
Shes not in the kitchen!
the dude in the back is thinking Arbies
omg she has only 3 fingers. ahha i thought it was the asian in the backround lol
OMG.......there's an asian kid with 2 hats OWO lul and tht lady's missing a finger =3=
Always missing a finger...
nippy twister + missing finger = exploding shat-brix.
the i pod case in the publicity of sony walkman
Fucking stupid retarded ass dumb shit!! YOu ignorant fucking no good nuthin to do with ur time, ass lickin shit kickin bastard
anybody think that looks like angelina jolie on right??
there's a ghost on the sholder of the asian!
shes listenin to her mp3 player...
inside a club that plays music o__o -
Lololol four fingers
Hey!! Angelina Jolie on the right!
look under the missing finger .. in the haddows i swear that looks like a bare arse! -Tori
i think the other girl doesnt have the other half of her body
Anyone else see Michael Jackson?
theres a chinese in the picture...
no thumb
top left corner "u perb" and the asian dude
See that eye on the bottom left little higher then the girls elbo? O_O
"Lindsay, you forgot your finger" "I'm gonna be fine, mom"
below the stomach of the girl on the right looks like a bare ass !
why is it always 4 finger
Not in the kitchen...guess she can't manage with only 4 fingers...
NigaHiga and a missing finger LOL
It's the asian in the background!
She's obviously a man
asian guy staring a her tits. haha
IDK but the guy behind he is saying "I'm thinking Arby's"
Also, a creepy face to the left of the Asian guy. You can see its eyes and an open mouth.
he's thinking arby's
She is a Simpson!
She's covering her index finger with her thumb
screaming black lady left of the asian guy
Demon with lighting horns next the asian guy,
Yup! - it's all about the fingers....lol
she has four fingers! :D
is that angalina jolie on the rigjt !?!
the ipod is missing a finger... wait no actually the girl is!
Ipods Missing a Figer
Argh, another missing-finger jo... AAAAH IT IS TRUE And there is the word "fuckmate" in my captcha
I see a skull/face in the black area of her shirt between her boobs
Pedobear on reflection next to the asian guy
dude she is missing a finger
niga higa in the background??
I had to check my hand to see if she's really missing a finger
Missing Finger!!!!!!!!!!!!
The girl on the right has no legs
True, but there's a frucking iPod/iPhone in the ad too :P
are you retarded? look at the top right of the picture is says sony walkman.
not ipod/iphone.
Always missing a finger...